AudioComponent SetWaveParameter with PlayQuantized

Okie, I couldn’t figure out how to get my Actor to implement UActorSoundParameterInterface, as you can only inherit from a single UObject.

But it was easy enough to push the FAudioParameters into AudioComponent->InstanceParameters and DefaultParameter.

Unfortunately there was no change in behavior. The actual sounds in game are still clipped and missing.

This is unfortunate.

It makes me feel that assignment of the MetasSound variables is correct, and that the issue lies somewhere deeper in PlayQuantized’s relationship to MetaSound.

It could also be PlayQuantized relationship to Setting Audio Params, but I feel like if I’ve set these variables in Instance/Default Parameters, these vars should be set well in advance of sending the sound to quartz’s dedicated audio thread.

So my thinking is this is something related to MetaSound.

I didn’t find any specific code in AudioComponent engine code related to MetaSound- which is kind of interesting. I think I will troll engine code for MetaSound and see if there are clues there about how it’s actually (intended to be) working, see if I can find some useful comments or functionality.

Alas, a task for tomorrow.