Audio Engine thread

This is awesome!

Hi all,

Playing around with the new audio engine, but I’m confused how to add DSP source effects to an audio component? I thought it might be an “effects chain”, but outside of the “add granular synth” node I haven’t seen that exposed anywhere. In fact I haven’t even found a way to add a reverb to an audio component :slight_smile:

My goal is to add a DSP effect and read the amplitude of the sound to start with (like Aaron did in his GDC talk), but ultimately add my own effect doing FFTs to calculate the frequency spectrum.

I’m very happy with the direction things are taking, and being able to access (and modify) the audio stream in realtime will allow me to remove a block of custom code from one of my personal projects. It will also save me the headache of learning how to write plugins for Wwise or fmod.

It does seem there is a bit of the “old world and new world” going around, and perhaps I’m simply looking in the wrong place? But I got the .ini setting changed, starting up with “-audiomixer” and also enabled the Synthesis plugin.

Update: Just found the source effect chain exposed on sound cues :slight_smile:

The new Source Effect Chain and Submix Sends/Destinations parameters have been added to the USoundBase class–so anything derived from the SoundBase class (SoundWaves, SoundCues, the new Synths) should have new parameters for entering SourceEffect Chains, and Submix Sends and Destination.

What would be the right way for a source effect to expose data back to the game? In the talk a delegate was mentioned, but unsure how you could get the instance of the effect to register to that.

Super stoked on the modular synth component. Coming from an actual analog modular (MU and euro) and Reaktor, this is right up my alley. Modular patch assignments = awesome, however I’d like to use the LFOs as variables in other blueprints to control visual functions. Is this possible?

Eventually will need to set up other destinations for patch assignments (i.e. using lfo to modulate decay time of envelope, etc.)

I wonder can anyone help me with this blueprint - Sound quality for the video is bad, that’s just the capture I’m using though.

Two synths set to timers that trigger when the player enters a trigger box - the first synth plays random notes from a C major scale, the second plays a single repeated C note. The second synth begins at velocity 0, then when F is pressed it should switch to 120, and vice versa.

So I’m trying to change the velocity variable of the second synth with a key press but it doesn’t work. It seems like the velocity variable is changing as I want it to, because the string is printing correctly but it’s not actually changing the audible volume of the synth. When I press F the velocity integer seems to be switching between 0 and 120 but I can’t hear the second note that’s on a timer.

Can I use this to get the amplitude from a song and sync lights to its beat?
I got that working using Epic’s Sound Visualization plugin but found out after it was all working that it doesn’t work in packaged builds.
So I got Exit’s Sound Visualizations plugin and found out it doesn’t work in UE 4.20.
So I hope this is not another dead end…