Attached Skeletal Mesh/Tail Stretching in UE5

This happens because the skeletal mesh physics bodies set to simulate will go to sleep, and because the simulation had stop, it will remain behind in place.

There are two ways to fix this.

The first one is the hacky way which will work fine, but not sure about performance impact. On tick you add a delay node, just to avoid running any frame, and you add this “Reset All Bodies Simulate Physics” node. Off course you need to target your character skeletal mesh component

The second solution is the proper way, but unfortunately I don’t know the precise settings that you need to use. I didn’t found anyone explaining how to use this, most assume the behavior you have explained is a bug, which is not, and they use the hack way.

No one knows how to use it and for some strange reason unreal team forgot to explain how to do it properly. Or maybe they did explained but we all missed the explanation.

If someone from unreal see this can you please explain how to set these settings correctly, some of us want to create breast physics correctly. is the only reason we have learned all this complex stuff from unreal and then, when we got to the point of what we want to do, we get this “bug” :japanese_goblin:

So inside the “Physics Asset” when selecting the physics bodies that is set to simulate, you need to create and add a proper physics material.

If you add the material with correct settings the physics bodies will not go to sleep anymore. All physics bodies set to simulate needs to have a physics material