Array options nodes not showing up

Still nothing :confused:

That is strange!

Does it show if you untick “Context Sensitive”?

Maybe do a “Verify” of your UE installation?

Is this in a widget?

There is a bug where for loops sometimes dont work there. If so create the same type of var in a normal actor get the for loop there (it should show up) and copy it to the widget.

I should mention something about this matter. When I was first following the PDF I was provided with, I was able to find all the nodes I wanted, including ForEachLoop. The thing is that eventually, I’m gonna have to open a “? Is valid” and make a new macro. When following the pdf I miss understood where I was supposed to create this new macro and ended up creating it somewhere else. After this the symbols on the top left corner of each nod (ForEachLoop and ?IsValid) changed to an “M” as if it was a macro now. After I realized my mistake i tried to double click the ?IsValid node again to edit it but I don’t know I it didn’t open, so I thought that one mistake was the source of it. Because of this I created a new bp for my light switch, and when recreating the same thing, this new problem of the nodes not appearing when I searched for them emerged. I’ll provide what I did with that portion of the PDF. Maybe that mistake I did first is causing this now?


Also forgot to reply but also already tried that and nothing shows up still, even if I just do a new array in another actor

Has anyone else got any ideas or have experienced this before?

The only thing I can suggest is you re-write that whole blueprint, possibly project - it does sound like something has gotten mixed up.

@RecourseDesign I think it’s a problem with the macros on the op system.
I did a test project with similar functions and when he opened it on his system he was missing standard unreal macros (IsValid and foreach loop). Hopefully a validation of Unreal will fix it.


The nodes that were missing are back! Apparently what @3dRaven said is completely right. Thank you so much for everyone that tried to help me out, rly appreciate you guys :slight_smile:

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