Why would you duplicate them in your game instance bp?
Your game save object is just a collection of variables that can be written to the disc.
In order to save the data held throughout your game code, you need to get the values held in those variables and assign them to the corresponding values within your game save. That’s the data that’s actually saved.
Then, to restore your game, you need to load the game save object from the disc and then assign those values back into the variables throughout your game code. You’re restoring the game state as it existed when you saved the game.
You get and set the values just like you would any other variable.
Your save and load functions are the functions that retrieve the values from throughout your game code and assign those values to variables in your game save, and vice versa.
It’s complaining that the ActiveGameInstance variable is null.
Try putting the GetGameInstance->SetActiveGameInstance nodes into your my_character construction script, rather than attached to BeginPlay.
those are in my construct, they are in the save and load functions you gave me earlier,
when i add the load function right onto my construct script i added a print script and the load function doesnt seem to be workin on the construct
Try putting the GetGameInstance->SetActiveGameInstance back in your BeginPlay, but before your sequence.
There may be something preventing it from loading in the constructor.
I can’t read your load and save functions because the image is too low rez; out of curiosity, what destroyed actors are you saving/loading?
Try putting the GetGameInstance->SetActiveGameInstance back in your BeginPlay, but before your sequence. There may be something preventing it from loading in the constructor.