And you can’t use WINE ?
All tutorials are accessible online afaik.
I see that I can buy stuff from the Marketplace online, but I don’t know if I can download it on Linux. On Windows when I press <Download> button it launches UE4 Launcher.
I am pretty sure if it works under WINE, you can do everything there, but you also have to run UE4 for Windows, or manually copy whatever you downloaded into WINE’s folder, from there into your UE4 Linux folder.
It’s inconvenient, but let’s face it - Linux market is 2%. And that’s gamers. So most likely .5% is developers. So, 99.5% develop on Windows and OSX, and .5% are on Linux. Who do you think will get first? Remember, Epic is a business, they are not FSF.
I bet that after Paragon is out, Rift / Vive are running smooth and maybe UE4 is ver. 4.15 or greater, Epic might get back to Linux. Which I am totally fine with. There are lot more things need to be sorted out for platforms that are profitable, before getting back to platforms that are complimentary.
As long as UE4 can deploy to Linux, and Linux builds run fine to satisfy Linux gamers, it’s cool. That’s why I switched back to Windows - to focus on making games and not fighting software or waiting.
Without going into a flame war, I made my first game (open source engine) on Linux, 100%. Even Windows binaries were cross compiled. After that I switched to Windows and never looked back. Now, I’ve heard “Linux is the future of gaming” since 2008. Nothing has changed since then (well, maybe Nvidia got better video drivers than the other two vendors and Linux now looks sort of like Windows). Linux has been a small tiny market for the past 8 years. It’s vocal, but it brings very little revenue. There are a peak of it in 2010-2013 where it was quite popular and got a lot of press coverage, but since then enthusiasm has died down and it’s no longer the thing.
Yes, Windows 10 isn’t as good as Windows 7, but I am certain in ~2 years Windows 10 will be as mainstream as Win 7 was/is (after MS gets it’s head out of it’s bottom and starts listening to users; or if Ubuntu does the same and MS will feel threatened).
I can see what you’re saying, but here is my reasoning.
UE4 was released as an -almost- free software one year ago. I have been a 3d artists for a while and as soon as Epic decided to make this excellent move towards “do your game and if it’s successful, give us part of the revenue”, it opened up the doors for a lot of us freelancers/lone-wolves to finally dabble around or do business using a professional tool. We did not have this opportunity a year ago.
So, it makes sense to target the three most common OS’s so the opportunity is available for the widest audience. Also, Linux is a decent development platform and when I was at a prestigious university, CS student had to write software that compiled on Linux just because it was a developer-friendly OS.
Also, I personally don’t see myself switching to Win10 anytime soon or ever. I know you’ll say “this is what people said about [insert windows version here]” but the invasive telemetry stuff, the forced updates, the prospective locked-down distribution model really push me away for good this time. I reinstalled Windows 7 SP1 and turned off updates because I don’t want the nagging Windows 10 icon or the backported telemetry updates. Steam arguably helped popularized Linux when it was ported, UE4 could do the same.
As others have suggested, Epic could at least let us buy stuff from the marketplace without requiring the launcher. There are easy steps they can take to be more Linux-friendly.
Where should I vote? I just installed linux a week ago and Unreal is the one of top items that I need.
I’m just here to declare:
Tim seems to be very aware of the dangers of Microsoft, Tim Sweeney thinks Microsoft will make Steam "progressively worse" with Windows 10 patches | PC Gamer
while on the contrary hand, the launcher is still not available for Linux.
It’s hard to understand. Epic should be interested in supporting not only Windows. We have Vulkan, so the next move should be Linux.
Running the Windows launcher through Wine is pretty near to useless. Why take the cumbersome route through Wine and windows syscalls for the engine (since you’re only getting the Windows downloads) when the darn thing compiles fine for Linux in the first place?
Ahh. I didnt think about linux specific stuff. I was thinking more about content. Assets and what not.
I wasnt saying it was a perfect solution. Just that someone has tried. I agree. It would be awesome to have a launcher and binaries in linux. Its about the only thing stopping me from switching for good. (apart from games)
Right, gotcha - the marketplace is available on the net too nowadays, so the launcher isn’t all that necessary for it anymore unless it automatically installs it into the engine, and without a native build, ehhh…
We can browse the market place, but we still can’t download without the launcher, as it attempts to open the launcher to download anything rather than downloading anything from the site.
Ah hell, really? I thought it was at least usable. That leaves a sour feeling.
yeah, it can feel that way (as with other wares I want on Linux can do too); but at the same time the fact that because of an amazing Linux community and Epic opening up their engine, it is possible to use it on Linux. I love that and still have hope someday Linux will be taken more seriously as a gaming platform. I have bought a few things from the marketplace and transferred the stuff from M$ to Linux, but now I don’t do that anymore because UE4 was the last reason I had M$ installed on one of my machines and it made me feel dirty to compromise my choice of OS for some software addons. Epic does update Linux with their builds, so my hope isn’t without reason. I have had some bourbon, so I hope this doesn’t sound too corny.
Im using Linux about 10 years
and for use content for Marketplace i prefer normal download files just from site ( adding one key for download is simple i think for FREE content of course)
I ask my friend for download free materials on windows from market
I install it in unreal projects - and all of it works.
Maybe just upload free materials somewhere torrents etc. ?
Personally i think the launcher is not that great. Yeah i used it like 3 times for the marketplace, but besides that it is just annoying. I’d rather want the marketplace to supply assets through normal file downloads and not needing the launcher any more. As it is i only have the launcher on Windows as i am forced to use it if i ever wanna get something from the marketplace again - otherwise I’d already have de-installed it. There’s really nothing great about the launcher itself. I think the stupid mechanics behind the marketplace (Using only launcher) are the main problem, trust me you don’t really “want” the launcher, at least i don’t see what’s so great about it. On a side-note - can’t it somehow be made to run on WINE?
We want more linux !)
+1 vote for Linux launcher . I’ve tried running it running it on wine with no success. Would love to be able to download the Infinity Blade files for the Cinematics tutorial videos. v4.14 runs like a dream on Ubuntu 14.04 with radeon driver. Tried v4.15 but the graphics are garbled, I think that’s more likely to do with me than UE4, so went back to 4.14. Other than that, very happy with the Unreal Editor on Linux.