Apex cloth validation crashes 4.11 + cable missing

Sorry for the trouble, the issue was found to be that the 4.10 project had a max concurrency count of 0 (which it shouldn’t have been allowed). When loaded in 4.11, the code which translates the old max concurrency feature to the new feature didn’t clamp the value of the old data to the proper ranges (i.e. greater than 0). The new system (correctly) asserts that there shouldn’t be a max concurrency count of 0 since that should mean that no sound would be allowed to play.

I submitted the fix to our 4.11.2 hotfix branch so it should come out soon. In the meantime, to fix the issue, either make sure your 4.10 projects don’t set a max concurrency of 0 before upgrading or add the following code change to your 4.11 solution in SoundBase.cpp in USoundBase::PostLoad():

		ConcurrencyOverrides.MaxCount = FMath::Max(MaxConcurrentPlayCount_DEPRECATED, 1);

Dear ,
Thank you very much for your support! this issue has boggled my mind until now, I’d never think it were the assets - because if I just drop the casing without firing it, the sound plays and no crash occurs. I still wonder what actually causes the crash with those assets, knowing the more technical details would help to prevent future problems. I’m deeply grateful, going to do as you suggested and re-export those sounds, thanks a lot!