can this work with 4.13
can this work with 4.13
yes it can, i’m currently using it for my own game, in 4.10 - 4.13. I have no released it yet, as during my own use, i’ve noticed some things it needs, and currently getting those finished.
Very cool stuff, looking forward to seeing more of it
@jayice: Are you still working on this? Do you have a demo we can try? Do you need any help?
Personally this is something that UE4 desperately needs and I would hate to see your work go to waste.
@Pirate, well I want you to see a lot more of it! lol, I have two more videos to make, 1 for using particle systems with it, and one for creating stair systems. The particle meshes in some ways are pretty simple, but they do something that I need. I wanted to be able to simulate a mine field, was one thing, so tell to generate say 500 spline points, then give it some particle systems, and have randomly move them in the minefield based on some timer. Then if one of the spline points, gets a character within X distance, activate the particle system.
The stairs is what I really like, you can set newels, railings balusters, landings, the stairs themselves, side walls, and then select the “target” i.e. where you want the stairs to end, and it will take the 6 different kinds of objects, and create a stair system for you. It can also set up a “stair” system into the side of a mesh, so if you want say a rock steps sticking out of the side of a cliff, you can do that.
but yep, i’m getting pumped, have to get take of some things in epic version 13, and then I think I need to tear into the linker, to see why the blueprint library cannot work, unless source code is available. If the build is with source, no issues, if the build is with source, no issues, again, but if there was no source available, at run time, Windows complains to high heaven, about something not being initialized correctly.
Have a great day!
yes i’m still working on it, I finished the IwMeasure blueprint today, which I hope to get submitted to the marketplace this week. But in relation to . I got sick with pneumonia, and that really hammered me into the ground, but all is well now, so I’m back at it.
The biggest issue with releasing the darn thing, is I will look at it, and go… Darn that would be sweet, and yes I NEED IT!!! lmao Which I have to stop doing. But I really need to redo the subclassing of the spline itself, because that is where a lot of the power comes from. i.e. getting the visualizer to redraw the spline when in edit mode, with all the changes to the spline, that have potentially been done.
I am probably going to hold off, on the concept moving crowds around on the spline, and I don’t mean following the spline itself, i’m not against that, I want a actor, that is at point X to randomly select point Y, and the do the dynamic path finding to it, without using the UE4 nav system, waypoints, etc. I found some, what appear to be nice algorithms, to do the work. But I really want it to be done in such a fashion, 1 Blueprint, parms of I’m here, I want to be there, give me the path to follow, where I don’t just bang my head in walls forever. Get the array of points back to move along, and then say every N tick, fire out a line trace (well ok, probably 3, one from the lower leg, one from the gut, and one from the head, to make sure all is well, and then just move the actor along the path.
but yep, i’m working on it, and I need to make the videos like I said to Pirate, clean it up some, and then release it into the wild… lol
Have a great day!
@jayice: Well you have a definite sale here as soon as you release it. I am also willing to do testing for you if you want … this tool is one of the best I have seen so far and is definitely one I am very keen on using.
Good luck and let me know if I can help in anyway … 8-}
Definitely on testing, and I will be doing support off my website, as well as I have set up skype to do support.
I would also like to take the “stairs” code, and alter that to create houses from modular meshes, because, well heck, I need it. I really like the packages that are modular, so that a person can create a home/building etc, the way they wish, but I don’t actually like (lmao, yes I’m lazy) moving all the pieces around and getting them to “fit” correctly. I would rather have an array, of potential pieces, and each element in the array, represent a floor, and then of course the one offs. like the roof, stairs leading up to a porch, etc. and then click a button, and say, DO IT! lol, yep I’m lazy! But alas, this will have to wait as well.
I would be up for testing, too!
@zireael07 sounds good to me!