Announcing Fab, an Evolution of the Unreal Engine Marketplace

Agreed, the search is quite awful, but are you starting in the quixel section?

Id like to add that there are no more free montly assets anymore and or at least none that I can find. And for the love of god! Why can’t the site remember where I last left off when returning to searh?? No, instead I have to scroll down 5 pages after opening another page. All this tech into UE but you spend a $10 coupon on this crap marketplace. Why Epic!?
Unity Marketplace is starting to look really good right about now.

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I’m done. We’re done. Dump FAP or whatever it’s called. Bring back UE marketplace and Megascans library. Gladly giving Unity and Source 2 our $$. Bye. Epic fail.

Looks like someone hit the jackpot when it comes to getting their product noticed… This list is running for several days already.

How can I downvote FAB?