Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

( Kinda related to ART but not really ):

I’m pushing the company I work for to use UE4 for VR Mechanical Pre-Visualization and I’m in charge of managing the data from our software to UE4.

Since you already worked on the McLaren configurato I sent you a PM asking you a couple of things :wink:

I was hoping someone else at Epic loves Blender and could create ART-like tool for it. Doesn’t have to be the same developer making it happen for multiple 3D apps.

Does this folder exist?

D:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.13/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts/Modules

And this one?

D:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.13/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts/Modules/facial

If not grab the latest files from the dropbox on the front page and merge them with your current installation (overwriting when asked).

Hi , does that mean people would be able to sell auto riggers through the market place?

I posted this a couple of days ago


I used ART to rig both the character and sheep here :wink: Tons of post-script code for hooking up my facial rig and so forth, of course. Excuse the poorly blocked out animation, it’s just for a prototype atm.

these tools look amazing!
where can i download them ?

they arent in my extras folder, or anywhere else i can find…


Ha!! So awesome man!

In 4.12 and later, it’s an optional install. In the launcher, hit the arrow next to the Launch button of the engine version to get to the options. There you can select art tools and it will download to the location you mentioned.

This is our first test doing something like this, but I imagine that’ll be the case. Right now, it’s still a bit clunky (tricking the launcher into thinking it’s an engine plugin because we don’t have a good way of downloading arbitrary files otherwise). The engine team has plans to make the process easier on their list, just not sure when it hits.

The more likely thing to happen would be trying to get a version of it in engine. But, that would be pretty far down the road :wink:

Ok! I’ll take a look shortly. Have you seen the stream we did about it?


thanks !

Hey guys.

Sorry if I’m being dim here, I don’t do much animation or rigging. I’ve gone through the tutorials and had a bash though. I’m confused at the seeming lack of control on the legs. I can’t seem to find a control that let’s me pose the legs in an opened way - hopefully the attached image illustrates what I mean clearly. Surely what i’m trying to do is possible. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks.

Ehi , just a quick note.
I was having some troubles with the ROMs widget. So essentialy the selectCommand of the nodeOutliner widget is ignored. So, if I simply select a list of bones without modify any options , the TRY: state fails (line 10218, ART_skeletonBuilder_UI) becuase it can’t find any romInfo value. Tested in 2017 and 2016.
To “fix” that, for now, I simply added an additional call to self.rangeOfMotion_OutlinerSelect at the very begin of that TRY: statement

Hello InMind!
So if I’m correct you can’t find the controller for the knees direction. The lack of a poleVector may be confusing the first time you approach this, i know.
So, into the Animation Interface you can find a little box on the knees, changing the value inside the box modifies the bending direction of the leg:

A quick tip: You can press CTRL + Middle Mouse Button over the box (keep them pressed) and drag your mouse to quickly scroll the value inside

, yes that it! I WAS being a bit dim. I was sure that wasn’t responding for me. Anyways, thanks!

You can also access that attribute on the IK foot control, which is probably more convenient as you usually want to pose the foot and knee at the same time. I Think it’s called “knee twist”.

Couple of questions.

  1. Is V2 out yet?

  2. I created a face rig in the newest dropbox version and it seems to work except none of the face bones move along with the head bone. Is face still experimental?

Hey guys!

So it’s been a very long time since I’ve used the A.R.T to import mocap data, so just out of curiosity I thought I’d update and give it a try.

I have to say that it worked quickly, and 100x better than the last time I tried to do this! I was real happy with the results.

That being said, I noticed that the data I imported threw two odd rotations on the knee twist value just at two points of the animation. I can guarantee that the file that I used to import did not have these rogue rotations, so I was wondering how I would go about ensuring that mocap data is 100% on import.

Its worth noting that the import method options I chose were Both IK & FK, as well as solving foot roll and knee vectors.

Thanks guys!

Unfortunately the Knee Solving of the IK chain isn’t as accurate as hoped and this can cause strange flippings and a noticeable amount of jittering. I had the same problem.
If you import your mocap data using only the FK option you should end with a more reliable result. Then you can use the Match tool to transfer the FK animation to the IK chain with a better Knee solving.
The process is longer but you end with better results, at least for the experience I had with my mocap sources!

Let me know if it works!