My guess here is that there is an object in the scene named eye_l, so when it goes to export the animation, and create the morph and keys, it tries to rename the morph it creates, but fails because eye_l already exists. That’s my assumption here. Check your file to see if there is an eye_l in the scene somewhere (and if there is, try renaming it and see if that resolves the issue). Could be a mesh or a bone or whatever.
So the skeleton settings cache is needed for building the rig. The easiest way to get it back is to try going backward to skeleton settings, in which it will generate a new cache. Was delete unknown nodes used in optimize scene size at some point? That would have removed the cache.
As for the weights, do you still have a file with the weights on the mesh? Have you confirmed that the weights file got written out and that it looks reasonable? Looking at the mesh, it appears to be very dense, which means importing and exporting will take a long time. It could be that it is working, but just going slowly? When you say importing weights doesn’t do anything, what do you mean? Were there errors produced? Did a progress bar show up? Or did it just hang?
everyone is a sub (sorry, that was old terminology from back when ue4 was subscription based).
So, even with art tools checked, you still don’t see them in engine/extras?
Let me try updating on my laptop to 4.12.5 and see if I can repro.
hey! Yeah, for v2, I’ve moved away from userSetup altogether. It’s annoying to work with, and the only reason I use it is to manage the menus. When you say pre-release vs 4.12, what do you mean? Is the 4.12 version of user-setup ok then?
Working on getting 2017 this week myself, so I can test and see what breaks. Probably lots
One massive change to 2017 is that they switched to Qt 5, which shouldn’t effect these tools, but throws a massive wrench in ARTv2, as now all of my code written for artv2 will not work in 2017, as it relies on PySide, which is for qt4.
That’s another topic
I dont think there is a limit other than datatype size for the input array (which should me more than any mortal needs).
What exactly is the code you are using doing? Is there any useful error stack trace you could post?
There are no limits on the number of morphs (our Siggraph demo had 900!)
That is very weird. Just to clarify for myself, this is using the export motion tool? And is this trying to get animation or skeletal meshes into the engine?
Also, if animation and if yes to export motion tool, does it look like this?
I have not tested the whole mixamo thing myself, but if it truly is the UE4 skeleton with a couple weird issues, you should be able to export the weights using ART, then use that skeleton as a snapping point for the joint movers, then the weights will get reimported.
Now your character will be fully ART converted.
“- If I zero-our everything ( except for the 90° ) I’m not able to build the rig since ART tells me that there are pre and post scripts in the scene, and the rig fails miserably”
This is interesting. In the publish screen, are there actually pre and post scripts listed in that section? If you clear them out, does it build then?
yeah, this was due to our internal pipeline. Everyone here uses Z up in all the DCC applications. That was something they’ve done since Gears 1, maybe even earlier. Given that, the tools were originally written to suit our internal needs with no thought given to releasing them or any public use at all. Little did I know…
ARTv2 however, is being built to further suit our internal needs, but also with the community in mind from the start. And yes, it will have Y up support.
Hey @anonymous_user_447315da, I got around to updating on my personal machine, and I see the tools where they should be (under engine/extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools).
Were those options checked from the initial install or did you go back and check them after installing? I have seen checking those options not actually trigger a download of anything. To get around that, I’ll usually uncheck something I don’t need, like something under target platforms, and then it seems to pick it up.
I have a quick question regarding the pose tool; is it possible to paste a pose on a character relative to their world position? Example would be like if the character was walking off the spot, being able to paste the pose at the end of the walk and have it not go back to world origin (or where ever you created the pose at), or pasting the pose after a 90 degree turn or some such.
Apologies if this has already been answered somewhere, this thread is a bit of a beast to sift through!
Hey , I found this article online about adding Python support to Maya LT using a MEL script to basically “transcribe” the python into Maya LT understandable terminology.
Could you by any chance look into it and see whether this would enable Maya LT users (read: Indie Devs with no money (read: me)) to use the A.R.T.? It would be so amazing.
I’m creating a rig with the ARTv1 tools (updated them via dropbox link within the last month) and have a question on using the Hammer Weights tool.
I’m having a problem that after selecting vertices and then using the ARTv1 Hammer Weights tool, I get an error saying I need to have some vertices selected. I can’t tell if I’m doing something wrong and just not understanding the workflow, or if there’s a bug present.
Here’s the workflow I’m using:
Select geo and click the Paint Weights in ARTv1.
Switch to Select mode within the tool, and select the verts I want to apply the Hammer Weights operation. I can visually see that the verts are selected.
Switch back to the Paint mode (at this point I no longer can visually see the vert selection), and then click the Hammer Weights button in the ARTv1 Skin Tools bar. Error: The weight hammer works on polygon vertices. Select at least one vertex.
Am I doing something wrong? I couldn’t find any documentation on that workflow, and didn’t find anything else within the forums. Sorry if this topic has already been covered elsewhere.
P.S. Thanks a ton for providing this toolset! It’s really helpful and I am eagerly looking forward to ARTv2.
Hey! There should be an option when you right click to load the world space pose:
Note: the pose would have had to have been saved after that feature was created to have that data. You can always load in local space as usual, and resave to have it capture the world data as well.