Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

I haven’t got any further than saving the skeleton template, maya ctd’s as soon as I try to save it.
I’ve dl’d the files from the op, I’m using latest UE4 and Maya 2013 (not student) I’ve tried saving to different drive locations too.
Any Ideas?

Another problem that I found is that everytime I export an animation, when I import into Unreal, it will give me a fbx version warning.
But if I go into Maya and click on File->Export All, then inside the Options panel, I change the FBX file format version to FBX 2013, and click cancel, that warning inside Unreal does not show anymore.
So, what is the problem? The problem is that I already only export with FBX 2013. And when I am going to the export all options, and changing FBX file format to 2013, I am changing from 2013 to 2013.

Are there any guidelines or instructions for how to get motion capture data into the rigging tools i.e. how rig up the skeleton to bake the point data too? I’ve tried baking it to a human IK skeleton and using the mocap fbx import but it just throws a bunch of error, sets my playback range from -1 to 1 and then does nothing.

Same here, please anyone can show how to do it ? It would help to show ppl how to actually replace manequine with own mesh. Otherwise it useless :frowning:

anyone pls ?

Any update on when we can expect the plugin for OS X?

there is really noone who can show us how to replace maniquine with real model ?

michalss its not a custom mesh just an exported but is this any help


thx for video but still not making sence of it, u just replace 1 manique for the other with some existing project, not really got it from that. I know i might be slow but still does not explain how to replace it with custom mesh :frowning: Can you please make video from non existing project where do you gonna use non rigged character mesh?

The mannequin I imported in (at the 1.28 mark) was just a mannequin.obj with no rig, I could have used a custom one but it would have taken to long to paint the weights that’s why I exported the skin weights at the beginning.

I’m having an issue which my “Build Control Rig” gets stuck at 80% and stays open with an empty scene in the back ground.

Here is my post about it> Building Control Rig Issues - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums

OK but that is not a case to paint the weights. That is something i dont really care at this point. I did not understand you messing with templates you was saving and loading and that not making sence to me to be exact :frowning: I have try absolutely everything i simply cannot bind bones to model at all :frowning:

I’ll post this up on Answer Hub here in a bit, but I have an error that only changed lines after downloading the files from op (which all seem older than the files I already had, anyway).

Just making sure I understand the flow, following the help file instructions, I got to the step of Build Control Rig. Save the snapshot, and this error:

Error: ValueError: file P:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/plug-ins/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 7305: No object matches name: SkeletonSettings_Cache

Before installing the files from the op, was the same error code, but at line 14587. I don’t think I’ve managed to screw anything up, but I could be wrong.

Oh, on Maya 2014 (non-student).

This is what I would do if I wanted to use the skeleton/bones/joints/rig from the Mannequin to bind a custom mesh to,

a, Go to epic games menu in maya and choose Edit Existing Character, choose Mannequin and click on Edit Export File,

b, (with the Mannequin now open in Deformation Setup) click on the skeleton Placement button then click ok on the Edit popup,

C, (Mannequin now open in skeleton Placement) click on the template button (above AIM button) save a template, name it
and click on the Skeleton Creation button,

D, (Mannequin now open in Skeleton Creation) click on the template button and save template name it .

I can now use the templates to build the rig that I would bind my custom mesh to… so I open a new scene and …(big breath)

a, Go to epic games menu in maya and choose Character Rig Creator,

b, load your template click the Skeleton Placement button and press yes in the build skeleton popup,

c, load your template click on the Deformation Setup button press Create Rig Pose and yes for the tpose and save rig pose,

d, In the Skin Proxy Mesh popup choose No,

E, Import your CUSTOM MESH select your custom mesh and the root joint/bone, now open the skin menu (maya animation menu set)
and choose bind skin and smooth bind,

f, learn how to paint skin weights ( this tool looks handy ), and export the skin weights named

g, click on the Build Control Rig when the Publish Character window opens name your rig “bob” and press Build.

All looks ok and all work as excepted, but what does not work is point E, i cannot bind skin to bones. Siimple does not stick together, no error, no warning, very strange – this is only my problem, rest like skin weights and all other is not a problem as this is not crucial in this point.

Ahh… now I get it, have you tried exporting/importing your mesh as an obj , can you bind a single joint to a polycube in an empty scene?

If your selecting the mesh and then shift selecting the root joint to bind them and its not working then that is weird… maybe delete your maya prefs and try again.

Yes no problem at all. In empty sceen its work ok

Is it possible to change the naming convention to a prefix instead of a suffix in the auto naming of the joints created?
I know it’s possible to change it for the rig modules but can’t see the option for the full body.

Skinning tools like ngSkinTool needs a prefix for the auto mirroring to work.

All works ok now, i had to update the tool that script in UE4 folder is bugged :frowning: Sorry i bother in here… So ppl for everyone please update to latest version from 1 post.

Rference : Maya Animation and Rigging Toolset| cannot bind skin - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

The auto hips is still causing me a lot of problems. There is no way to disable it and if it receives a key, not even a key on the auto hips toggle it enables itself. I’ve reinstalled Maya and even deleted the entire plugin and downloaded it again. Didn’t help. Nobody else having this issue?