My take is that it’s a “done when it’s done” thing, he’s been working on it for a long while between the work for paragon. Waiting for it specifically would probably be a mistake.
turns out it actually is the animation and rigging tools. I just sent an email asking about why this is now an option on install and that they should give some context (not to mention art tools is redundant).
Hey everyone, I am having a problem trying to export root motion and am hoping that someone knows what I might be doing wrong. I have animated the root controller, then for good measure I also animated the master_anim controller, since no matter what I did, the “root” bone is never moving once I import it into Unreal. Including a few images for clarity. You can see the root and base controls are animating in the image from maya, and in Unreal you can see they stay locked to the origin. What am I missing?
What are you expecting the preview to show you for root motion? Have you tried actually using the animation? That animation isn’t applied to the root bone because it is extracted and then applied to your character capsule.
I guess I am expecting it to show me a “red” line from the origin to the root when root motion is off like the tutorials say, to indicate that the root is actually moving. No matter what settings I put I never see the root bone move. If someone has an example file of it working or knows what control I am supposed to animate to get the “root” bone of the exported skeleton to move that would be really helpful.
I imported an animation with root motion using default settings, it had a red line. I enabled root motion and then the preview character remained in place.
You do have a red line, it’s just very short, as if there is something directly under the root bone that isn’t moving.
oh yeah well is not like i am especifically “waiting” for it, im fine with the normal one for now, but the new one looks really interesting, i just would like to follow the progress and know more about it as it go. =)
Well, the issue is that I don’t have a red line that matches the movement of the root in the ART tool, regardless of whether I have root motion checked or not. It should be moving several meters, whereas it seems to move a centimeter or so at most, and is VERY far from the feet of the character, which it is NOT it Maya. What are you animating in the tools to get the root bone of the skeleton to move? Is it the root_anim control, the offset_anim control, the master_anim control, or something else? I am certainly doing something wrong, it is just not at all obvious to me what it is. Thanks.
any of those controls will animate the root bone. To animate the root bone outside of everything else, you can use just the root anim.
If you import the file and turn off root motion, does it look as expected?
Feel free to send me your FBX and Maya file and I can take a look in the morning.
I was going to do a blog post this weekend, but then I just ended up playing Paragon
I’m working on it every week! Just tonight I got an auto-updater working with our Epic github account, so no more waiting on engine releases or dropbox. Just ‘Check for Updates’ in the menu in Maya, and it will download and extract the latest, while also backing up your current files just in case anything goes bad. Just putting some final touches on that and I’ll write a post about it on the blog
Sent you the files , hopefully it makes it to you. I included the character just to make sure you had everything to reproduce what I am seeing, and it made it pretty large. Not sure what the email limits are for incoming mail at Epic. Thanks!
PM with mocap raw data and workflow sent in order for you to check some weird knee/hands flipping when mocap is applied in ART, take a look at it when you have a bit of time
Hey everyone, I am having an issue that has gone for three characters now. I get through the whole process and get to the actual animation stage, but when I click to switch to FK, the limbs get contorted and I am required to go through each one I have switch, break connections, then zero out their values. After that, I need to re-align the controls to get my mesh straightened out. Any ideas that might help me prevent this issue?
This was on us. Dropbox has been updated with the latest files. Export motion was just ignoring root motion altogether. This is now fixed.
Sorry about that!
I’ll need some more info or even better, a file, to better help you I think. Any repro steps you have would be greatly appreciated. Any screenshots or materials you can supply or email would be great.
Switching to FK should never have an issue, as FK is super easy to match (on the code side), so having an error there is pretty strange.
oh man! that sounds awesome!! and i finaly found your blog, but… D: i can’t find that update option in the menu in maya.
oh sorry i found it now, i tought it was directly in the ART menu, but i found it now, doesn’t say anything about updating ART i guess is not ready for that yet, thanks anyway, for every thing =)
So here are some screen shots. When I switch to fk or ik, even with a blank, fresh imported character, the limbs twist and contort each time I press the switch, eventually making a full circle.
What does the rig pose of this character look like? Is it a T-Pose?