Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Did you ever reach out to Widener? Like I said, he wrote the Mac OS port. Are you using the Mac OS version? They are available on github:

I’ve updated the first post with new info, mainly github links and student version issues info.


I’m having some strange issues while importing mocap animations…here is my usual workflow

Import FBX animation ( with custom skeletal hierarchy ) > run script retarget ( point and orientation constraint ) to the UE4 Mannequin > bake UE4 skeleton so that the animation is stored > export it > Add ( any ) character into a new scene > import the FBX animation

The issue comes when the animation ( the one baked on the UE4 mannequin ) is imported and I select IK to solve, which is some weird knee flipping for a couple of frames, and it’s completely random most of the time…
If I set the solve to FK only I don’t have this knee twisting behaviour, but I have a lot of feet sliding, which is annoying to fix ( while solving in IK I don’t have the feet sliding issue ).

So, is there a quick way to set a non-flipping-knee? maybe some kind of angular limitation based on the character orientation?

I’m not that advanced in scripting, so I’m not sure on how to proceed with it, and the olny solution that I’m using right now is to manually adjust the graph editor cruve for the knee twist, but a proper solution or an efficient advice on that will be great :wink:

If needed I can share some of the solved animation in order for you to test them

All good, but it was my Teacher that made the code fix for us at CGSpectrum, so props go to him :slight_smile:

*Just to note its handy to put the code as a shelf button, because if you forget to use it and use the default save you will still loose your file and won’t know until you exit maya.

Did you end up getting an edu version to see if we can find a fix for V2 or patch for current tools ?

Not yet. I’m trying to work on getting on the Autodesk Dev Network, which I believe should get me an edu version to test with. I’ll follow up again on that tomorrow.

I’m guessing the rig that the motion is being imported onto is the mannequin itself? So the skeletons (positions and all) are entirely aligned?

Some possible things to try:

Did you check your curves on the baked mannequin skeleton after to make sure there was no weird euler flips? Maybe run an euler filter on that skeleton before exporting.
Import mocap to FK, and then use match over frame range to match the IK to the FK.

Let me know if either of those works for you!


Also just an update for anyone having trouble with the python code this is the full code to get the save file working.

# Saving Maya files for 
# Maya 2016 Student Version 
# when receiving save errors.
# 22-10-2015 - Simon Warwick

import maya.cmds as cmds

fileName = cmds.file(query=True, sceneName=True)

multipleFilters = "Maya Files (*.mb *.ma);;Maya Binary (*.mb);;Maya ASCII (*.ma);;All Files (*.*)"
newName = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=multipleFilters, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=fileName)

if type(newName) is list:
	newName = newName[0]
	cmds.file( rename=newName )
	cmds.file(save = True, type = "mayaBinary", force = True, prompt = True)
	print "File Saved as:", newName

Hi Thank you for this toolkit Updated to 4.11 but have skeleton compatibility issues with all my ART rigs ever since.

It is the neck02 bone causing incompatibility errors for all my characters. Even a fresh default ART rig is incompatible in a clean 4.11 project third person template default UE4 mannequin unless I avoid making a neck02 bone. Anim files are still compatible regardless of the skeleton hierarchy.Adding any other extra bones in ART still works though. For example my main character is using your face module, chains and jiggle weights. but unless I delete neck02 from the skeleton in Maya I get the compatibility errors when importing using 4.11

I have worked around it by overriding the default UE4Mannequin with a default ART rig that has neck02 bone. This makes all of my character rigs compatible with UE4Mannequin Skeleton again. animations look a bit funny though

Also my characters are changing scale based on the scale of the animated rig. In 4.10 characters retained their proportions when playing animations but now characters are shrinking when playing certain animations :slight_smile:

was wondering if these are bugs or has 4.11 changed how skeletal meshes and animations work? Thanks again for the toolkit!

How do you open Maya? I did all instructions said. BTW there was no maya folder in mydocuments. I create one named folder maya then moved scripts folder into it… BUT how do I launch Maya??

Yep, the mocap is baked on the Mannequin, and the joints of the mannequin is aligned with the one from the mocap ( pos and orientation ).

The Euler filter looks like is doing nothing :confused:

Importing the animation using FK works and matching the IK to FK kinda works, meaning that I got better results, but the knee orientation is still going crazy sometimes.

Question: The mocap animation is perfectly fine and needs almost no tweaking at all, but if applied on the mannequin, baked and then applied on a character there are all those weird flipping and random orientation things happening which is totally weird to me.

Instead of using this workflow can you suggest an alternative solution or a different method which can solve this issue?

Cheers :slight_smile:


I am new to the forums, and just started working with ART, thank you for all your hard work on this tool!

I have a question, and I can’t seem to find anything regarding this issue, so it could entirely be an error on my part. The issue I’m having is with the limb twist joints, they don’t seem to be aligning correctly with their parent bones. When I move the bones, I’m only using global movers, no offsets, I’m moving the entire chain. But I’ve noticed that even with the default skeleton placement from the skeleton creation settings I’m using, without even moving anything at all, the twist joints still seem to be misaligned. Being new to the tool, I’m sure I’m missing something. :frowning:

Not sure if this was previously asked: Currently on 4.10.4. Any animation imported into the game appears as if it has some automatic interpolation applied, softening it. Even those I animated with no interpolation at all in XSI. Is that a bug, or a feature I can turn off somewhere?

Is ART still unavailable on MAC?

Dear Unreal,

I have tried using ART in Maya2016. Right leg and right arm are invisible.
BTW i used the new upload you posted.

Please can you help me with this.
Thank you

What do you mean by incompatible? Are you getting a specific error or warning when importing into the engine?
If I understand correctly, you want to add a 2nd neck bone to your character, but the mannequin only has 1 neck bone in the engine. This would make existing animations not really work as you’re inserting a bone into the hierarchy. It’s ok to add bones that are child bones (what we call leaf joints), but inserting a bone into a hierarchy will cause issues in engine.

As far as the scale issue, my guess is that the default settings on the skeleton asset has changed in 4.11. If you go into Persona, go to the skeleton tab, and in the skeleton tree, check ‘show advanced options’, you can change those to affect how animations with translations apply to your character.


Animation = Use translation data from source animation (meaning it could stretch or shrink bones to fit the locations of the original animated source)
Skeleton = Use the joint positions of the current skeletal mesh and do not use translations from incoming animation. This is likely the setting you want.
Animation Scale and Animation Relative = different methods of trying to find the difference between the source and current skeletal mesh and use that difference for translations. Useful for hips, etc.

Maya is a standalone program from Autodesk. You would need to already have the program to use the tools unfortunately.

Would it be possible to share the fbx? I’d like to try importing it and see what the curves are doing. feel free to email it to me.

The only time I’ve seen weird things happen are during spins, as the knee calculation always chooses a positive number to start with until it matches the FK (or mocap) knee. This means that in a turn, sometimes it can take the long way to get to the knee position and end up with a stair step in your curves.

I took a look, and it appears the twist joints are aligned by default on the latest version. Perhaps this was an earlier version?

You can get them unaligned if you were to translate the lower arm in Y or Z, but if you have aim mode on, this will re-align the twist joints afterwards:

Dropbox - twistAlignAimMode.mp4 - Simplify your life?

I am not sure, to be honest. Probably best to ask this in a new thread here :

What I can guess though, is that UE4 doesn’t tick (update) on frames, but milliseconds. So it’s possible that what you’re seeing is it ticking on areas in-between your frames, which would possibly soften them.

It’s been available for some time. I think whomever packaged 4.11 though forgot to include it, but you can always get it on github:

(if you haven’t already, you’d need to link your Epic ID and github accounts. https:///ue4-on-github

I’ve also had it on dropbox for some time, but github is guaranteed to have the latest. Dropbox - ArtToolsOSX - Simplify your life?