Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Unfortunately, no. Sorry :frowning:

However, I have taken this feedback and added it to V2 (soon!!)


Been digging at bit into ART here trying to re-rig my Advanced Skeleton setup onto the ART setup. I might try and map out all the orientation offsets for the joints and see about writing a script to auto convert and copy the weights. For now, just a couple requests for ART. It would be nice if you could choose the direction of the symmetry R > L, L > R. I’m sure there have been multiple requests, but working in y-up would be nice.

If I just Add a character made with the tools, and adjust a few keys it did save also worked with poses. Seems to be mainly if I import a mocap (maybe fbx haven’t tried) but also after exporting to a FBX then clicking maya’s save it deletes the file and then errors and then you can’t save at all.

Unless we use this script, just posting it in case something it does might help you narrow it down.

import maya.cmds as cmds

fileName = cmds.file(query=True, sceneName=True)

multipleFilters = “Maya Files (.mb .ma);;Maya Binary (.mb);;Maya ASCII (.ma);;All Files (.)”
newName = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=multipleFilters, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=fileName)

if type(newName) is list:
newName = newName[0]
cmds.file( rename=newName )
cmds.file(save = True, type = “mayaBinary”, force = True, prompt = True)
print “File Saved as:”, newName

I’m not sure when else it has happened, will post if I get any more info.

Thanks for the reply,

Nice one :slight_smile:

So, just to better understand, it’s already available in 4.11 or you have to share the brand new code in order to use it?
Also by any chance the poses are based on FACS? that would be sweet :slight_smile:

Great job , keep it up :slight_smile:

I’m a student teaching myself rigging. I’ve gotten very far in the skinning process, but I’m having trouble when it comes to the twist bones of the rig, specifically the thigh and calf twist bones. what should be weighted to what? For example, in the Arm Skinweight demo video, the twist bone was weighted to the whole arm, while the parent shoulder was just the bottom. Would I do something similar with the thigh twist having the whole leg, but the parent just toward the knee?
Thank you so much, and amazing toolkit!

Hey! It should be in 4.11 and it should also be up on our github account.
The rig is based of FACS, albeit a more user-friendly naming approach.
Evans designed and executed the facial rigging system :slight_smile:

in v2, I’ve added any direction symmetry. Each module can have a mirror associated to it, and on that module pair, you can symmetry either direction.
While the tools build the rigs in Z-Up, there’s no reason why you couldn’t rotate them to be Y-up for animation!

Weird! GDC is coming up in a couple weeks, so I’ll see if I can get an Autodesk rep to give me an edu Maya for testing. It seems like that script should be doing exactly what a normal save should do!

Yeah, so the upperarm twists and thigh twists work the same way, where they try to keep the ‘attach’ point to the body, from stretching and skewing. So on the upperarm, it keeps the shoulder in place, and on the thigh, it keeps the crotch from twisting. So it’s best to think of weighting those as top to bottom, where top is twists, and bottom is parent.
The calf and lowerarm twists however, are reverse of that. They take a percentage of the child joint and spread that up, rather than countering. So they work bottom to top, where the bottom of the part is twists and the top is the parent bone.

Hope that makes sense!


I’m a newbie trying to learn, but I can’t find proper instructions or tutorials showing:

  1. How to use a custom mesh.
    I know about Animation menu –> Skin —> Smooth bind. But it gives me very unsatisfactory results:
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

  2. How to use Mixamo animations with A.R.T… I tried to import some onto the default rig but with very unsatisfactory results:
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

So my question is: Are there no instructions or tutorials showing how to do this?

Thanks, yeah it’s a strange issue that I’m sure has to do with the way the edu version adds extra popup dialog boxes. Have fun at GDC !

Hi, just curious if anybody here knows if there’s any way to export only selected parts of a rig using ART? Is this a supported feature (and if not, could it please be one in a future release)?

I’m trying to work with my company’s 3D Modeler/Artist to create individual body parts rigged to the same skeleton, so we can have some sort of “character creation” feature with swappable parts. But she’s having a hard time figuring out how to properly set this up in Maya + ART.

If anyone can shed some light on this, we’d be eternally greatful!


Sorry, I do not know if my comment was deliberately deleted, or I do not have sent for some “Crazy” reason “I do not have pressed the SubmitReply button”! But without any communication sent for me!

But please, I’ve been trying to use **ART **with a really strange things, not human things! Something like a creature (A winged quadruped creature), six members more tail. I had to abort the process, and use another approach (Manualy in Maya with Controllers, IK, FK, etc…). But yet remains a question: What do you use for rigging something non conventional like this and compatible with Unreal (Game Ready - Skeleton with one root only)?.

Sorry for any inconvenience in my question

Mixamo should have an option to export an Unreal skeleton, which means it will be compatible with ART’s import motion tool:

You’re on the right path to skinning and using a custom mesh, but it takes a lot more work to get good looking results :slight_smile: The defaults will never look good. There are tons of maya skinning tutorials out on the web. It’s a very technical, artistic, and sometimes, difficult process. It takes years to get good at creating good deformations. At least, it did for me.

There is no tool in the world that I’ve ever seen do amazing automatic skinning. The ones that do often require an input of tons of other shapes to compare against, like 100 facial shapes to then figure out skinning from.


So, short answer, no.

However, we have done character customization (in Fortnite), using ART, and the way we do this is by exporting the full skeleton for each part. For instance, let’s say you have a head, body, boots, and gloves meshes weighted to your skeleton.
I would export the head by selecting the head and the whole skeleton, then the body by selecting only the body and the skeleton, and so on. This will give you 4 skel meshes in this example.
In UE4, you can then give each skel mesh its own skeleton, and animation blueprint, and use the copy pose from mesh node in the anim bp to combine your character together. Hopefully that’s enough to get you on the right path. I believe 4.10 release notes had details on this node with some examples (might have been 4.9, but pretty sure it was 4.10)

Hey! I definitely didn’t delete anything!

Yeah, so ARTv1 gets stretched to the limits once you go passed bipeds with extras. It can do quadrupeds by just turning the biped and using the arms as legs. Once you get into wing territory and beyond, it is possible, but only if you’re rigging and scripting are really, really good. We do use ART on Paragon, which has some crazy characters, and anything custom is done using the leaf and chain modules and a lot of scripting in the post-script.ARTv2 aims to fix this by going modular.

However, the reason we often choose not to do a custom rig on something crazy and instead script a bunch of custom work in a post-script and use ART is because it fits into the pipeline nicely. Custom rigs means no animation picker, no tools, no exporter, etc. It often will take us 1-3 days, depending on how crazy the thing we’re trying to rig is, to add the custom post-script.

For example, Muriel, Howitzer, and Gadget show lots of custom things we had to add in script for Paragon characters. Muriel has wings, Howitzer is actually a character riding in a mech (all done in ART), and Gadget has a third arm.

Maybe I overlooked it being stated in the thread, but is there by chance a rough ETA for ARTv2? Would be nice to be able to plan ahead.

It pretty much *has *to be done for our internal projects by May/June. I’m hoping earlier than that. It’s getting really close, but other things keep taking away my time from it (like shipping Paragon next week! And GDC demos!)
After GDC though, it’ll be back to the grindstone on it. Not too much left!

I’m thinking that I forgot to press the SubmitReply button!lol

Thanks for your answer

Definitely amazing Paragon! How I’d love to have been part of this !!!


Howitzer uses two skeletons?. Are two different skeletons working simultaneously, Mecha and Howitzer? This is a character inside the other (two different characters and skeletons)? The limited movement from small Howitzer works together with mecha character using animation adjustiments?

This is incredible. And all using ART !!!

I tried to create the quadruped character using ART like you said, but I was half afraid to use it. I thought it would be very mocking by the laws of physics within the ART, creating a big faux pas for a rigged character. However it worked very well with the previous character an anthropomorphic biped character using digilegs

But as you said, is possible creating a rig for a quadruped character using ART, then I’ll feel more comfortable the next time using ART to create a winged (bat wing) quadruped character.

But unfortunately already had created the dragon using a custom method. But for the next time will prevails your tip.

I Took a look at your devblog ARTv2 aims to fix this by going modular.

Huge improvements in the ART =)

So I used the ART tool to rig a character for a friend. He wanted to make some extra custom animations but he can’t get the file to work because he doesn’t have the ART plug in. Is there a way to use Maya’s regular animation toolset after rigging with the ART tool? Any help would be great.