Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Any ETA on v2? :slight_smile:

Hard to tell from the screenshot what’s up. The joints are colorized, but the mesh isn’t highlighting when you select a joint, so that seems like the mesh must not be weighted.

You should just be able to select the mesh, select the bones you want, and go to bind it.
Here’s a video showing the process I use:

Dropbox - Desktop 10.27.2015 - - Simplify your life?

I would love it if it was done by end of the year, but something big kinda came up at work that is taking most of my time these days :slight_smile:

Oh, that’s just as exciting as ART v2! Well, almost :wink: Looking forward to seeing what you’re making.

I have no idea. The only time those get disabled is when you click on deformation setup and a new window pops up asking to create a rig pose. Is it possible that you did that, but then closed that window that pops up using the red X? (That window that has 2 buttons: save rig pose, auto world rig pose). That’s the only way I could reproduce that.

Did you try re-launching the rig creator UI? That should have fixed any issue.

the resolution is extremely low in that video…

Can’t see the parameters

What are you selecting to bind your mesh?

Use the open button in the top right of the page to open in window media player. Dropbox is compressing the **** out of it when viewing on the webpage.


Bind to: Selected Joints
Bind Method: Closest Distance
Skinning Method: Classic Linear
Normalize Weights: Interactive
Weight Distribution: Distance

I turned off allow multiple bindPoses (personal preference, doesnt matter)
and set the max influences to 4 (mostly for performance in engine)

The rest is default.

My selection upon entering smooth bind options was:

The mesh(or meshes)
The joints I wanted to bind to that mesh (in this case, pelvis, spine_01, spine_02, spine_03)

Thanks for that!

I was selecting
Joint Hierarchy
Geodesic Voxel
and Dual Quaternion
I was getting horrible results trying to be all advanced and FAILING horribly…
Thank you

Thankyou! I’ll try that.

Triangles don’t matter now anyway, I re-topolo’d it and got it down to a nice number.

Thanks again!

May be. I will be more carefull next time. I did not tried to relaunch this cause i was afraid to lose any progress. Now i tried to reproduce problem to use your solution and it works. Thanks.

Continuing my newbie quest. Now when i try to fix skin weights my paint weight tool does not give any results (press LMB and nothing happens). Here is the screenshot.

I repeated all steps using saved bone placement template and weight tool was fixed. May be there is some steps when it is better not to save/load scene…

I have some problem after updating latest scripts from the first post.
When i’m trying to start “Character Rig Creator”, maya tell me this:

Error: ImportError: file E:/Users/zTRIALz/Documents/maya/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 10: No module named facial

I keep getting this error when i try to generate a rig… Please help? I simply clicked Epic Games ->Character Rig Creator
From looking at your code it looks like u forgot to submit some files for a head rigging system u were working on? Facial probably

Error: ImportError: file D:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.9/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 10: No module named facial

Error Cycle when loading the character

Hello there !

I have some trouble with Maya ART. An old colleague made a rig/skin (so it wasn’t made in my own computer). When I load it with the button “Add Character for Animation”, the script editor shows me this :

Warning: Unrecognized node type for node ‘nxRigidSolver1’; preserving node information during this session.

Warning: Unrecognized node type for node ‘nimaPhysicsLocator’; preserving node information during this session.

Warning: Unrecognized node type for node ‘DefaultLayer’; preserving node information during this session.

File read in 7 seconds.

requires … (3.00.01116.02380) , compiled 11/16/2013 2:32:35 AM";

File read in 0 seconds.

Warning: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.

Please check the Script Editor for details. #

Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Plug-in, “physx”, was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.

I think there is an other problem described in the 2 last lines.

However, the character is loaded with the rig. We could think there is no problem. But when I try to switch arm control from IK to FK, nothing happens and it shows this :

Warning: Cycle on ‘[1].targetRotate’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘TEO:auto_clav_switch_loc_r.translateX’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘[0].targetParentMatrix’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Error: ValueError: file C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.9/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 6274: No object matches name: TEO:hand_match_loc_r

Has someone got the answer ?
It’s going to make me sick if I can’t switch to FK ! ^^

Thank you !

hi, sorry for bothering you but i have problem I change my windows and now i try to use Maya_AnimationRiggingTools form Dropbox when i select character rig creator i get this error :

i have old one that i download it last year and new one that i download it form dropbox today when i use old one it work but not correctly but when i use new one it doesn’t work at all .

Sorry about that! Dropbox has been updated with latest. I guess you’ll get to see a mostly complete version of the facial rig stuff :slight_smile:

Sorry about that! Dropbox has been updated with latest. I guess you’ll get to see a mostly complete version of the facial rig stuff :slight_smile:

Sorry about that! Dropbox has been updated with latest. I guess you’ll get to see a mostly complete version of the facial rig stuff :slight_smile: