I’m using Maya 2015 Student Version. It keeps crashing every time I try to save a scene with a built rig. Is there a way to disable the student save pop-up window?
Not sure if this is related to a similar issue I’ve been having. But I’ve also been having corrupt FBX exports. The fix is weird: go to File>Export All. Choose FBX as the file type to export. Then close the window. Then reexport using the A.R.T. GUI per usual. Hope it helps.
Eureka! I fixed my issue so I’ll post my solution in case anybody else runs into it… Somehow Maya 2014 decided to unload the FBX import/export plugin. That was it. It took a completely fresh install of both Maya and ART to make me dig even further until I noticed it was something that simple. So now you know the symptoms in case it happens to you.
thanks for trying but didn’t work for me
this is what maya is saying :
Warning: Item not found: exportMotionUI|columnLayout110|rowColumnLayout10|frameLayout175|formLayout152
[u’Hero_Prototype.bmp’, u’Hero_Prototype_small.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype_small.bmp’]
[u’Hero_Prototype.bmp’, u’Hero_Prototype_small.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype_small.bmp’]
set to independent euler
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014exp.log”
Error: line 1: Found no items to list the history for.
Warning: Object, ‘b_main’, skipped. It is already a child of the parent, ‘world’.
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014exp.log”
Error: line 1: Found no items to list the history for.
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
with another weapon (different process to create the fbx)
Warning: Item not found: exportMotionUI|columnLayout135|rowColumnLayout17|frameLayout285|formLayout239
[u’Hero_Prototype.bmp’, u’Hero_Prototype_small.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype_small.bmp’]
[u’Hero_Prototype.bmp’, u’Hero_Prototype_small.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype_small.bmp’]
set to independent euler
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014exp.log”
Error: line 1: Found no items to list the history for.
Warning: Object, ‘joint’, skipped. It is already a child of the parent, ‘world’.
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014exp.log”
Error: line 1: Found no items to list the history for.
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’m4a1RN’]
hey I know this guy
is a pretty cool guy. Eh rigs models, and doesn’t afraid of anything.
You know, I’m not really sure with ART. Fuse characters and Autorigged characters can be exported through our website on a UE4 default skeleton, so if you can load in the UE4 skeleton with ART, I don’t see why it shouldn’t work like a charm.
I’ve been meaning to try this workflow! I always assume this is how it would work, as the Autorigger has always been really good about handling other skeletons. Only Mixamo related question I would have about the Autorigger and the ART is that ART dictates that Maya is in Z-up, where as I know that Mixamo prefers Y-up. I’ve only ever had a problem when I exported a Z-up mesh only FBX from Maya and I brought it into the autorigger (which worked fine) but the autoControl rig script would make the control rig scaled really weird. (I know its not really directly ART related, but it is kinda sorta tangental, haha) Wonder if has ran into any of this stuff/any other cool Mixamo/ART fun times?
Hey all! Been having my nose to the grindstone here working on the new tools and a few things on Fortnite. I’ll carve out some time in the next day or so to go through and respond to everyone. Apologies for the delays!
In the meantime, updates!
Badass! Just a heads up on the Profiling front, Maya 2016 does have the new Parallel rig processing feature. I’ve been able to get a steady 30fps with a pretty heavy rig. However, I did have to delete the Nucleus node since that seems to be DG only (I think).
Hey there!
Absolutely! What you’ll want to do, is when asked if you want to skin the proxy geometry, choose yes. This will ensure you have that in your scene. Now, you can add your model to the scene at any time, and skin to the created joints that get created after the placement phase. In this case, you’ll want to make sure your skeleton matches your model proportions. Usually, I create the skeleton with the model in the scene to ensure this, but no biggie. You can always go back and edit placement if needed.
In your case, since you already have a rig, you can open the export file, bring in your mesh, skin weight it, and then save the export file. Now your rig will have both the proxy geo and your custom mesh in there. If you find that your joints aren’t quite lining up to your mesh, just step back into the placement mode, make your changes, then go forward again to deformation mode, making sure to choose yes when it asks about skinning proxy geo.
Yep! Another thing you can do, is check the “update skeleton reference pose” checkbox when importing.
hmm, not sure I quite understand the issue. Are you saying that you have a fire animation that is X frames, but your timeline is set to something 3 to 4 times that and while your character animation is looping properly, the weapon isn’t?
I’m not sure if anything in the toolkit was cause such a thing. I’d have to see the setup to be able to help more, I think. Feel free to send a file over to .@epicgames.com if you like and I’ll take a look!
whoa weird. So, it will export if you restart your pc? If that’s the case, sounds like a fbx plugin issue or your prefs are hosed.
If I’m understanding that incorrectly, then it could be something about the weapon reference throwing off the exporter. Can you post a screen of your reference editor references? Or send a file to my email (.@epicgames.com).
So, since you can export a UE4 skeleton from Mixamo, that means you can import that fbx animation as mocap onto the ART rig!
Sadly, no. I just got a student version myself finally, so I’ll be able to start testing.
Make sure you didn’t start from a mayaAscii file at first, either. That will most likely cause a crash as it saves to binary (this is changed in V2).
Maya does this ALL THE TIME!!! It’s so annoying. In V2, I’ve forced the plugin load on every export just to be safe
Ah, this is helpful. Any way you could turn on stack trace in the script editor options and Show Line Numbers as well? Might help me find the issue faster.
Yep! I am just trying to optimize anything I can. I looked at some of our heavier rigs for our projects, and most files had about 800 constraints in them, so replacing that with something 5-7 times faster will help tons, on top of the threaded dag.
SkinClusters still seem to be the thing that weighs Maya down the most though, in terms of perf.
Alright! Caught up for now, I think!
If you all ever have anything urgent, feel free to ping me via email/twitter, etc. The forums here seem to only update me once, which is annoying.
Thanks all!
Well i activated it but the stack trace window does not pop in so i guess that it is not getting triggered anyway i tried again and this is all the history from the weapon reference creation point :
file -r -type “FBX” -gl -mergeNamespacesOnClash false -namespace “M4A1” “C:/Users//Documents/Maya/addons/MayaTools/General/ART/Projects/ZApocalypse/Weapons/M4A1.fbx”;
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014imp.log” //
setAttr -type “string” S_WP_M4A1_1P_Main.UDP3DSMAX “LastPose = undefined&cr;&lf;”;
setAttr -type “string” S_WP_M4A1_1P_Ammo.UDP3DSMAX “LastPose = undefined&cr;&lf;”;
setAttr -type “string” S_WP_M4A1_1P_Slider.UDP3DSMAX “LastPose = undefined&cr;&lf;”;
setAttr -type “string” S_WP_M4A1_1P_Trigger.UDP3DSMAX “LastPose = undefined&cr;&lf;”;
// Result: C:/Users//Documents/Maya/addons/MayaTools/General/ART/Projects/ZApocalypse/Weapons/M4A1.fbx //
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
Warning: Invalid viewport for isolate select command
select -r M4A1:S_WP_M4A1_1P_Main ;
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
select -r M4A1:b_main ;
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
move -r 0 0 145.63445 ;
move -r 0 -58.794481 0 ;
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 |M4A1:b_main.translate;
// Result: 3 //
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 -hierarchy none -controlPoints 0 -shape 0 {“M4A1:b_main”};
// Result: 13 //
currentTime 60 ;
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 |M4A1:b_main.translate;
// Result: 3 //
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 -hierarchy none -controlPoints 0 -shape 0 {“M4A1:b_main”};
// Result: 13 //
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
currentTime 1 ;
currentTime 0 ;
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 |Hero_Prototype:rig_grp|Hero_Prototype:master_anim_space_switcher_follow|Hero_Prototype:master_anim_space_switcher|Hero_Prototype:master_anim|Hero_Prototype:offset_anim|Hero_Prototype:ctrl_rig|Hero_Prototype:arm_sys_grp|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim_space_switcher_follow|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim_space_switcher|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim_grp|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim.translate;
// Result: 3 //
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 -hierarchy none -controlPoints 0 -shape 0 {“Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim”};
// Result: 13 //
currentTime 60 ;
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 |Hero_Prototype:rig_grp|Hero_Prototype:master_anim_space_switcher_follow|Hero_Prototype:master_anim_space_switcher|Hero_Prototype:master_anim|Hero_Prototype:offset_anim|Hero_Prototype:ctrl_rig|Hero_Prototype:arm_sys_grp|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim_space_switcher_follow|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim_space_switcher|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim_grp|Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim.translate;
// Result: 3 //
setKeyframe -breakdown 0 -hierarchy none -controlPoints 0 -shape 0 {“Hero_Prototype:ik_wrist_l_anim”};
// Result: 13 //
Warning: Item not found: exportMotionUI|columnLayout30|rowColumnLayout7|frameLayout104|formLayout157
[u’Hero_Prototype.bmp’, u’Hero_Prototype_small.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype_small.bmp’]
[u’Hero_Prototype.bmp’, u’Hero_Prototype_small.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype.bmp’, u’Zombie_Prototype_small.bmp’]
set to independent euler
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014exp.log” //
Error: line 1: Found no items to list the history for.
Warning: Object, ‘b_main’, skipped. It is already a child of the parent, ‘world’.
// Logfile: “C:\Users\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2014.0.1\maya2014exp.log” //
Error: line 1: Found no items to list the history for.
[u’Hero_Prototype:Hero_Prototype_ExportRN’, u’Hero_Prototype:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_‘, u’Hero_PrototypeRN’, u’M4A1RN’]
Hi , I’m trying to import the FBX animations I’ve exported using A.R.T, but when I import the animation I have some errors and I get a blank scene.
Essentially what I want to be able to do is the same as when I edit existing character “edit export file”, but I want to be able to do this for the animation files that I export out of the animation tools.
Any help would be great thanks.
// Error: line 1: Error occurred loading template . //
// Error: line 1: No object matches name: Basic_Manny:JointMover //
// Error: line 1: No object matches name: Basic_Manny:JointMover //
So when is the 2.0 update supposed to arrive? Been looking forward to it for quite some time now.