I installed Art on Maya 2016 and it seems to be throwing a wobbly here and there. Is there a later version of the ART Tools I can grab somewhere or do I need to wait for the next Engine Update?
Script loads fine in 2016 with some deprecation warnings here and there. And then throws some errors for certain functions.
I can post more details if that would help but I am certain you already tried 2016 by now:-P
unless LT now has Python support, which previous versions have not, then nope I have no idea why there is MEL but not Python support. I’m sure they have a good reason, I just don’t know what it is.
I talked with a rep there about getting the new version of the tools packaged as a plugin available on the autodesk exchange site for free. Hopefully we can get that going
thank you sir! Much appreciated. I’ll post a V2 update on the dev blog tonight or tomorrow with all of the latest stuff that’s been done. I think people will dig it
Here’s a peak: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sz098oeeftbp3mn/ART2_publish.mov?
Thanks for the video! Super helpful in figuring it out. So take a look at this frame:
When in rig pose, the added leaf joint looks like it now has the same orientation you were getting in the rig. I think you just need to orient it in the rig pose however you want it and you should be good. It’s curious why it’s not keeping the relationship the same, but you can see on that frame it’s clearly not world axis aligned anymore. Editing your rig pose should fix it. Just edit your export file, go back to skeleton placement and select reset rig pose from the reference pose manager menu, auto world space like usual, and then make any tweaks. Once you rebuild from that, it should fix it.
The whole rig pose process is a total mess in V1 and has been significantly improved in V2:
Yep. Terrible. That’s some rookie $h!t right there, amiright? I actually fixed this in V1 in the jointMover file. I think it will ship out with 4.8. We noticed that a while back and I hung my head in shame. V2 has everything super aligned straight. Each module gets created in it’s ideal pose, which it then uses for the rig pose, and you can modify it from there:
I haven’t gotten my copy yet, so no idea what types of issues you may run into with 2016. In a perfect world…none! But something tells me that isn’t going to be the case
Please post any details, as I can start looking into them once I get my license!
Heya! Thanks for helping out!
The correct location should be in your maya/scripts folder, and if there is a userSetup file in your maya/mayaVersion/scripts folder, then that one should get removed. Not sure why you had to go all the way to that particular scripts folder to get a success
My suggestion would be to try this:
Search for “usersetup” files in you computer browser.
Delete all usersetup.py/usersetup.pyd files.
Copy fresh usersetup.py from UE4/extras and paste into documents/maya/scripts folder
Browse to documents/maya/mayaVersion#/scripts/ and delete the mayaTools file (this stores the path)
Run Maya.
You should now get the prompt and get no flickering.