Hey Not sure if you saw my message or not, but I would love it if you can help me figure out my fbx problem in Maya. I sent you the message/file a while ago here on the forums, so if you get any free time I would appreciate your thoughts on it!
Does not work in Maya 2015. Saving the project results in crash + corrupted save if ART has been used in it.
Anyone have a temp fix?
Hey William!
I asked our animators here, and they would generally tackle this by animating the body control, which means they also animate the feet as well. They said this is more work, but also yields the best results.
I did not! I apologize, I’ll check now. In the future, the best way to get a hold of me privately would be to email me at .@epicgames.com.
Hey !
Do you have any more detailed information that may help narrow down the problem? For example, were you saving maya ascii files? Does this happen if you have a new instance of maya, and create the default character?
Maya 2015 is pseudo supported. We use 2013 here at the office (most stable recent version as far as I’m concerned!) and we’ve done testing in 2014. I’ve made some changes to get the UIs to work in 2015. Do you by chance have those changes from the dropbox location?
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much !
The deformed models was exactly what I was doing wrong! This was the only issue that I was having with ART so I am so happy to have it solved (and so is my team!). Thank you so much for the time you have put into helping me out! I really appreciate it.
Hey guys, just realized I might have another issue with ART. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to correctly rig a model that has been set up in the model pose? The arm controls appear to not follow the rotation of the bones when the rig is not in a T-Pose (so I built the controls in a model pose). I NEED to have this model rigged in the model pose. What am I missing?
Hey! Awesome tool I think there’s a bug when loading a joint position template. I tried to go back and add a leaf module to my rig and I noticed that my joints are totally reset after I go back that far. So I went and my joint positions as a template. I then went back to create add the modules and when I came back, I loaded the template. Everything seems to be back in place, but the problem is that my positions seem to be a lot lower than they were when I saved them. Any help? Thanks!
Never mind, I updated and it seems to be fixed!
Previously reported by above - I’m also getting such crashy behavior with ART and Maya 2015.
I can confirm that saving the project will always crash the Maya instance and that the file is damaged - when it will open I have objects missing.
Even before getting to that point, I’m unable to build the control rig. I let ART build the default skeleton, create the reference pose, and take the defaults for the proxy mesh. All without my touching or moving any joints. The segmented mesh that then appears has some problems. The right arm and hand, the right thigh and the right foot all take on a different appearance from the rest of the segments. If this is some indication of a mirroring mode then the normally appearing right lower leg is the oddity. It should also be noted that the mesh for the right clavicle is nearly invisible. I believe the meshes on the right-side limbs are 100% transparent when viewed from some angles and most of what appears is internal shadowing.
Without changing any weights / influences, the Build Control Rig button causes the Publish Character screen to appear. I can name the character and press build to see the thumbnail camera screen. Pressing the camera button to record the thumbnail causes an instant Maya crash. Or the camera dialog closes, the Maya UI will be locked up for 15 seconds or more, and then it will crash.
Efforts to save my scene progress prior to this known crash point will simply result in a crash. ART looks really useful - I’m hoping to make more progress with it but am completely stuck at the moment.
So I can’t seem to even get the tool set to be recognized when using 2015, it gives em the Maya Tools Install window with the browse button. I go to where i have the Setup.py file but it wont load it at all. It loaded just fine with 2014 though. reason i need 2015 to work is because there’s another location that only has 2015 so i need to be able to go back and forth.
Hello! I noticed that after using the Import or Export features, Maya will not save any scene unless you restart the whole application. Any help? I’m using Maya 2014. Thanks!
Hey there!
So you should be saving userSetup.py in your documents/maya/scripts folder (not the maya 2014/2015 scripts folders!). Usually, your mayatools folder is not in that same place, although you could move it there if you wished.
You need to browse to where you MayaTools folder is, not the userSetup.py file. By default, this will be in Engine\Extras\Maya_AnimationRiggingTools\MayaTools
hey there! sorry to hear that. We’ve got our animators here on 2014 and no one has ever reported such an issue. First thing I’d check to see is if you’re on 2014 sp4. If not, grab the latest service pack just in case that is causing issues.
Second, are any errors thrown out when it exports? And lastly, are you saving your files as maya ascii?
Hey, thanks for the reply! I will try updating to Service Pack 4 right now. And after I export or import an animation, saving the scene as a .mb fails. I went to “File->Save Scene” and here is the result:
I’ve tried saving the scene as a Maya Binary and as a Maya ASCII file. I will let you know if the problem is solved after I install the service pack. Thanks again!
hey , hope this helps:
If that doesn’t resolve it, it may be best to do a google hangouts sometime this week to desktop share and debug that way. Let me know how it goes!
Hey man, wasn’t able to reproduce this, but maybe there is something in this that will help you narrow it down:
I’m actually on Maya 2015 SP5 and have been making sure I have your latest and greatest installed. So I’m still stuck and am trying to avoid a reinstall of Maya and UE4 since I’m on a metered data plan. But seriously - thanks putting that vid together!