Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Thanks for the answer, yep that seems a pretty good solution! Not too familiar with post script setup ( or script in general :smiley: ) but I’ll give it a try.

One more thing: I’m developing a custom facial rig based on your GOW3 GDC paper, but I have no idea on how to build that slick GUI you created for the facial rig…I saw that you have a 10 videos tutorial on python on vimeo, so I was wondering if that could help me build the GUI and customize it…I’m more comfortable with modeling/animation rather then python scripting, but I guess that there’s no “create slick GUI” button in Maya :wink:

It keeps crashing whenever I hit the button to finalize rigging process

I’ll be happy to help where I can! I used to have a tool I wrote in mel ages ago that allowed you to create your own GUI by just placing shapes on a canvas. I should try to rewrite that and release it!

Would that be the “Deformation Setup” button or the “Build Rig” button? Build rig should take you to a UI that lets you input a name for the character and choose a project. After that, it will want you to create a thumbnail for the character. Once those are done, it will begin the build, by opening a new scene, referencing in the export file, and then building the rig. At which point in that process is it crashing? Any details, images, or files you can provide would certainly help.

A.R.T. update #5

Update on progress of the new tools!

Sorry I had to be more specific, so that said it crashes after I hit the little camera button (create a thumbnail). It doesn’t go further. If there is any dump file that might help you to help me :slight_smile: don’t hesitate to ask.

In advance thanks for helping


Since you haven’t answered yet, I’d like to update that I’ve just updated UE to 4.5 and I installed the version coming with that version. At the moment I’m not dealing with that error anymore.


First time using this rigging tool, so far its been really great, with some really powerful tools to help both rigging/animation alike!

My first character rig went mostly without a hitch. One issue I have found is my foot controls(toe_tip_ctrl/heel_ctrl/toe_wiggle_ctrl) are sitting far off in space compared to the mesh/other rig parts after importing the rig to start animating.
I quickly tried a default/proxy geo rig, and the foot controls were fine on that one.
Am I suppose to move those foot controls during the setup stage?
My only thought is my characters feet are rather small, so I had to move the controls close to each other. I also created a ball joint, but no toes.

Any help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:
(The new ART update is looking amazing , I cant wait to start using ART on more than bipeds)

Hi everyone!
First thing first i have to say THANK YOU (even bigger than that) to for giving us the gift that ART is. Really an amazing tool.
And now i need to report some bugs i found so far, one of those is really weird because it wasn’t happening and then suddenly from one day to another, without changing a thing it started to happen. I have to say i don’t know if i should report this in here or better in the feedback forum so sorry if i’m doing it in the wrong place.
Instead of trying to explain myself detailing the bugs i recorded a video to just show them in action.
If after watching the video there is something unclear just let me know and i’ll try to explain it better. The most important and weird one is the one related to animation and the random keyframe values… Here’s the video so you can watch for yourself:


After going through the video you provided and following all the steps exactly I was still getting the error that it was not a valid MayaTools folder. So I went back through this entire thread and found on the first page that one person noticed that the problem is a simple mistake for anyone who downloads the MayaTools folder from your Dropbox. You have the folder named “mayatools” in all lower case but when you change it to “MayaTools” with the M and T upper case then it works.

I really appreciate the amount of time you spend working with the community trying to help and provide us with such great tools. If you change the name of the folder in Dropbox so that it has the upper case M and T then it will not hinder others who are trying to use your file. Thanks again and now I am going to begin playing with so that I can learn as much as I can and hopefully make something for my game.

Thank you,

When building a rig, the progress bar only gets to 80% and I get this error: line 14339: Parent of end effector must be a joint.
I’ve been using the tool for a while now, and first time this happens.

EDIT: i deleted the leaf and dynamic chain joints and added them again. That solved the problem for some reason.

Hi all,

I just tried to activate the Rigging and Animation Toolkit but there was a problem that makes it impossible.

I am using maya 15 with SP4 on windows 7 and the Toolkit from UE 4.5.1 with the latest scripts and fixes from the dropbox provided by in his post in the Unreal forum.

I copied and merged the files from his dropbox with the files provided with the UE 4.5.1 and copied the “” to my maya scripts folder in my documents directory. When I sarted maya I was prompted to search for the “mayatools” folder which I did. So everything works fine till I hit the “save” button, to save the path. As soon as I hit save, maya is going all crazy as you may see in my screen capture.

ScreenCapture –> v=1BaC76jE0vo&

First I thought maybe maya was kind of “reading informations”, but since it keeps doing this for hours, something is definitely wrong. Maya is not usable in this state so, I had to nuke the connection to the toolkit in order for maya to work properly.

Since I seem to be the only one on the web having this problem, it may rather be a computer or software related problem, than a toolkit related problem. But that`s just an ignorant guess.

I hope something can be done about this, since I used the toolkit before, when I was still working with Maya 14 and I really enjoyed working with it.

sweet! Okay, I had thought I had fixed that issue. Was kinda sad that it had possibly popped back in!

Hello! and very sorry for the late reply. It’s been very busy at Epic lately working on our game projects and I sadly got too caught up to remember to come check the forums. Apologies.

In the skeleton placement phase, when you have the joint mover controls, on the foot are 4 spheres that determine the foot pivots for the rig.

And thanks for the kind words. Let me know if that works for you!

Firstly, very sorry for the late reply. It’s been very busy at Epic lately working on our game projects and I sadly got too caught up to remember to come check the forums. Apologies.
Secondly, many thanks for the video! That is super super helpful.

Onto the issues!
Wow, I have no idea what is causing that. Do you think you could privately email me that fbx to so I can try to do some tests locally? I’d definitely like to look into it.
That’s also the first time I’ve seen that last issue, with the reload. I’ll do some digging!

Oh man! I’m an idiot :frowning: Thanks a ton for catching that. I’ve gone ahead and updated that. Much appreciated!

I think it’s possible that the dynamic chain was created with 1 joint, which is my bad for even allowing that as a valid number :frowning:

First, very sorry for the late reply. It’s been very busy at Epic lately working on our game projects and I sadly got too caught up to remember to come check the forums. Apologies.

As for the issue, I ran into this long ago, and I think it was because I had a userSetup in my documents/maya/scripts folder as well as one in my documents/maya2015/scripts folder. If you have any user setup files in the version specific script folders, try removing those to see if that’s the issue. I hope it is, because otherwise, I have no clue!

First things first, no need to apologize for getting stuff done. When that means getting all this great stuff you guys release these days, I´m totally fine with waiting a day or two to get an answers.

Now for the issue, you solved it! Epic thanks.
Yet I noticed it still looks like the old version I used back when UE 4.0 was the latest public build.
I took a look at your devBlog and it seems you have been very busy, implementing new stuff, changing the interface and so on. I use the latest release that comes with unreal 4.5.1 with the latest fixes from your dropbox but it does not look like what you show on your devBlog. Why is that? Am I overlooking something? Where can I get the latest version or is there no public release of that version yet?

Don’t worry, there’s no problem with that. Work comes first ^^ (and even more if it’s about making the epic games you guys do! :D)

I already sent you the mail. Hope you can reproduce the bugs shown in the video. If you need anything more let me know.

ok awesome!
The stuff on the blog is all still work in progress. It’s basically the V2 of the tools, and will have cross platform support, as well as much better UIs. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the current UIs do goofy things in Maya 2015 :frowning:
The other big difference with the new stuff is making the whole system modular, so people can make crazy stuff!