Android packaging build fail - UE 4.18

I launched NVPACK/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android and updated the sdk to 28 and it worked again.

Unchecking “Enable gradle instead of ant” worked for me

I could kiss you right now!
My hair turned white worrying about this.
Thank you so much!

where i can update Extras/Android Support Repository

i tried all the solutions and nothing happened

i have a problem packaging my game. on gradle and jdk
i created a game and solved many problems before and i was packaging my game many times seccusefully and when i tried to install a plugin . Visual studio didnt want to work with ue4.19 so i downloaded ue4.21 and upgraded my project to this version but i had a problem 3 weeks ago and i didnt find any solutions in the internet so please keep reading because. you may have the solution
when i try to package my project an error shows up and it is :
Log : Cloud Storage for Work and Home - Google Drive
Picture of Log : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
but whene try to ucnheck “enable gradle instead of ant” another unsolved error shows up and it is :
Log : Cloud Storage for Work and Home - Google Drive
picture of log : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
i really tried everything i reinstalled codeworks 6 times and i deleted intermediat and build folders in the project and i updated the rxtra things on SDK tools and i tried many solutions but nothing work and i really need to publish my game but this error slowed me down around 3 weeks now
and this is a picture of the settings : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
another thing :if i didnt find any solution at least i want to know what to do to make visual studio work on ue4.19 because i have an older version of the project and i need to compile it to make it works

You may want to start your own new thread/post since this one has already been resolved. Also, have you tried creating a new project in a newer version of UE4 and migrating your project into it?

Hi everyone,

Here’s what worked for me:

  1. UNcheck “Enable gradle instead of ant”.
  2. UNcheck “For Distribution” and Check “For Rebuild”.

You may also need to use the sdk manger for isntall all the buid tools for android SDK before that.

Could you provide explanation of what these options do in the background.
I am trying to understand how android builds work but there are many options and not a lot of explanation.
P. S. thanks for your help.

This worked :slight_smile: Thanks man! I think it was the “Full Rebuild” that did the trick.

Noting working. All though it work few days ago. I just unchecked gradle deal but now not even that works.
Deleting intermediate and saved doesn’t work either. Updating all the tools and platforms and updating repositories nothing working. Wow what a cool program. lol

I’m using UE 4.24 and cannot find “Enable Gradle instead of ANT” under project settings → android

I opened android.bat - deselected all - selected Android Support Repository BUT there was no option to upgrade. So instead I updated other Android versions under SDK. HOWEVER now android.bat has vanished from my PC.

Nothing helps me either. Why are only users sitting here? Can None of EpisGames Really Help?

If i delete the folder and try to Package it,it just create the folder again.
What do I have to deactivate in unreal?

That is normal. Intermediate folder always gets recreated. It’s a way for the engine to build parts of the game before putting them all together. The reason people say to delete it is that it gives a fresh start and removes any corruption or mistakes that might be in there.