Ancestory - 3D Grid Card Game [PC] [WIP]

Added some atmospheric dust and sand effects to our Desert Temple map, any ideas on what more should we add to the desert environment?
Click for a bigger pic.

Starting to get near the milestone of setting up the store page and ready for release, but as a quick update, here’s a little character introduction we created for Matti:

Here’s our first real shot of the new deckbuilder, and we managed to add the sorting and deck icon features to it recently. Would love some feedback as we’re starting to near the launch of the game now:

Click for bigger version](

#MeetTheMinions continues with Kalevi, the long-range marksman:

So here’s finally the thing we’ve been preparing:

[Ancestory “Awakening” Cinematic Trailer:](Ancestory "Awakening" Cinematic Trailer - YouTube)
Really proud what my team has been able to make and it’s been a great learning experience and refreshing change to the usual flow of pushing out assets.

And as you can see there, we’re launching the full game on Steam October 13 and the Store Page is already live!

We still have our hands full with the game, but we are really happy how it’s playing at the moment and the feedback we have received so far has been really humbling.

Not much longer 'till the launch! Finally got around creating some gif material, starting off with the deckbuilder: