AI is not rotating

Ehi mate!
Sorry! I was taking a break. Everyday my UE session starts at 6 a.m and it ends around 5 p.m. After that threshold I necessarily have to stop. Anyway, I’m curious too for many reasons : In the same project, I built a lot more in others npc’s bp and they’re working properly without these kind of issues; to learn more and improve; my project is stucking.

Ye, I’ve others npc moving around in random points of the navmesh…,They also stop moving at random and start following the player with multiple conditions. So…I’m really thinking the problem could be somewhere in the blend space I did for this one.

Blend space is such an unusual place to look for on this type of issue in my opinion. But it seems like there’s a lot going on in your project, and like I said, I might not be able to guess the issue here. I’m confident you’re gonna figure it out eventually! Did my suggestion work tho? And if not, I wonder what might be overwriting it. So… there’s really nothing much to say I guess. Best of luck!!

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Can I share more with you on DS? Anyway I’ll try and I’ll let you know about your last suggestion!

What do you mean by DS? Anyways sure I guess I can take a look


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You’d want to put the random location into the AI move to destination the look at rotattion should be used right before in a set rotation node