Two years later, Unreal 5 and I have the same problem as you @rolffson.
I am trying to construct a Building from child actors. It’s important for me to have separate walls in blueprints as they have it’s own logic. Also double wall makes it easier to build. I am planning to just place the Building on the scene and modify it’s blueprint if need to.
- Building (has multiple DoubleWall child actors)
- DoubleWall (has 2x Wall child actors - one is inner and one outer)
- Wall
- Initial Building.
- Building put on the scene after modifications.
- DoubleWall just to show you how the separate element looks.
- White cubes above the walls - for demonstration of how random it is at times.
- I placed the Buidling on the scene. It was all good.
- Then I changed the DoubleWall blueprint and moved the single Wall around. I just made location and rotation modifications. Final result was reflected in my Building object on the scene. It was all good at that time. (ignore white cubes, at that time they weren’t added).
- However I decided to change the Walls in the DoubleWall blueprint back to the proper locations and expected it to change on the scene. It didn’t happen. The Building just stayed as it is in the point 1 on the screenshot.
- I copied the Building (point 2 on the screenshot) and the Building is correct. Also the fresh blueprint dragged from the Content Browser is correct.
- Ok, so I thought, lets add something visual (white cube above each DoubleWall). Surprisingly this change is reflected on the scene! But the previous change in the DoubleWall with location of the single walls not! This is very random behaviour.
It might sound like not a big issue because just replacing an actor on the scene may fix everything. However when project starts getting more complicated it might become a significant problem. Anyone found the solution to this issue?
Individual actors: