Affordable Landscapes 2

Finished some small dark stones for procedural distribution on the landscape layers.

@ all very good updates, looking good!

personally I dislike the use of ‘distance fade’ when the use is to make the textures less tiled. for me it breaks the sense of scale in the distance (things don’t appear to be so big if the details are no longer small on the screen), and the fading effect is kinda off-putting
I’d recommend other methods to avoid the obvious texture tiling repetitions

Yes I agree when there aren’t many meshes on the screen to give you a sense of scale, if textures are looking very big at distance then everything feels smaller. However, I think a healthy amount of it can help.
I looked into the old way of rotating the same textures and mix it using a mask to break the tiling but it seems as the normal map gets rotated the light receiving direction doesn’t look correct anymore. I’m going to look more as I go and see what other ways I can find. If you know of some effective ways of doing it, I’d be happy to hear it.

Thanks you! :slight_smile:

yeah rotated normalmaps don’t work well. there’s a way to fix them (though I only managed at 90 degree intervals) but it’s expensive and not worth it in such cases IMO (only worth when you’re using triplanar mapping)
im also not a fan of texture bombing or other exotic methods. they either produce not so good blending, hurt the texel density, or cause a performance overhead. I still think a more classic approach can produce good results and not cause performance overhead or visual artifacts, it just takes more work.

to avoid the tiling patterns I first and most importantly try to reduce visible patterns in the actual textures as much as possible (most importantly the ColorMap/diffuse). otherwise any method applied on top needs to be very aggressive which implies a tradeoff.
on top of that then I try to use more subtle methods: not only the usual global colormap that’s mapped 1:1 to the entire landscape, but also a medium-scale detailmap (something still tiled)
here’s a somewhat old wip picture of my landscape. I never really used proper ground textures so you can still see some of the grass tiling pattern (middle-left side of the picture) but in general the mid-distance tiling repetition is broken by this additional mid-scale detail texture

in your case the tiling pattern seems to come from the Normalmap though. might be worth trying to reduce the normalmap intensity over the distance. if your ColorMap has no obvious repeating patterns it might do the trick.

@<a href=“” target="_blank">Chosker</a>, Thanks for the tips mate! :slight_smile:

Baby lava pool WIP

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What’s New? - 005

Function - Moving Dust

Do you wish a little more dynamic landscape? what about some dust moving on the ground? Moving Dust Function does just that! It’s easily put into any landscape shader and adds the moving dust on the top. It could also be used as moving snow on the ground (like when there’s some heavy wind going on). You get to customize it and change things such as scale, speed, color, opacity, normal influence, etc. Without spending more time talking, let’s see it in action on AL2’s Landscape 01!

[video][UE4] Affordable Landscapes 2 - Moving Dust - YouTube

Very cool! Reminds me of Sullust from Battlefront. I’d love to see smoke and lava particles. Even some plateau like rocks as seen in this photo. Are these the sort of lava particles you had in mind?

The dust effect is also cool, looking forward to seeing how that looks in a snow map. =)

Looks awesome! When will it be in Marketplace?

throws money at -dev

! Battlefront looks so good… I feel useless when I look at their work… haha
Yeah I think some smoke and lava particles like that should be adding a lot to the atmosphere. I’m on the case. :cool:
Thank you.

@OptimisticMonkey, I’m not sure… soon I guess.

monies fell into lava

Amazong work… how is the performance?

I’m getting ~80 fps with all tiles loaded at once (64 tiles). If people use tile streaming so the lods will show at far and it switch to actual tile as you approach it it’d be locked at 120 FPS.

Awesome. Thanks. Will buy it.

@Monsterlutz, Thanks man.

Updated lighting and the look of the second landscape.

Alright, looks like this is going to be phenomenal.

What is the estimated price, and when may I purchase it?

We’re aiming to launch the package for $139.99 and will keep adding landscapes to the pack as we have done for Infinite Affordable Landscapes 1. As we add more landscapes, the price for the pack will rise.

This is wonderful! For us that bought the pack in the first place, will we still get the updates for free?

The first pack will continue to be updated separately from this.

I think he means will people who buy the AL2 pack in the beginning get the updates for free.

@LeamDelaney, Should be finished up soon. Thanks!
@Frequia, Affordable Landscapes 2 isn’t an update for AL1. It’s a completely new package.
@SE_JonF, Definitely anybody who owns a package should have access to the updates for free.

I need to clarify about *free updates *here. We’re not promising free monthly landscapes for AL2 at the moment. We had quite some refunds on AL1 mainly because we made a promise to deliver a *free *update every month and then due to the long process of publishing an update and sometimes getting swamped at work we couldn’t give them out to the customers hands on time, usually like a 2 weeks delay. And to be honest, some people really abused this situation. For AL2 we’d like to state that free updates would be more on the “You’ll get it when it’s done” basis as creating a landscape for AL2 is 4-6 times more work than in AL1 and on top of that we’re currently swamped with work on Ghosts of , 2 Freelance projects, AL1 updates and maintaining our other 5 packages as well.

If anything remains unclear feel free to ask. :slight_smile:

how are you making these landscapes? what program are you using to make these amazing landcsapes? :smiley:

Got it. But Im glad the new landscapes made it into AL1. Loving the Trion level :slight_smile: