Advanced Sessions Plugin

Maybe 2 dumb questions. When I’ve created the session. How do I store a reference to it or get a reference to it as the hosting player? It seems like I create a session then instantly open the level and if I want my next level to show information about the session I don’t know how to get it. Also, this video uses your library and suggests that I have separate custom client events that call server events to do the execution of the advanced session events. Do the advanced session blueprint events need to be called from events only running on the server? I can’t figure why this would need to be the case.

RE: 1
“GetSessionSettings” node is what you are looking for, however I really suggest that you keep variables for yourself anyway.

Re: 2
If you are searching then you are locally referenced (are authority for the search), server searching shouldn’t be executed on a nonexistent server with an RPC, sounds like the tutorial creator just made a mistake is all.

Hello, I have not tried the plugin yet because I’m not home yet but I have 2 questions.

#1. Epic’s create session node allows, just like yours, to enter an in of the max. Public connections. Now here’s my issue. My game makes use of local multiplayer so one connection could add 4 players to the game. 2 clients, 1 with 3 local players and 1 with 2 local players registers as 2 players. The join session node is fired per local player and that works, ingame the locaa players are recognized as separate player controllers. But the server browser still says 2 players. Again, I do not know if you have this or not.

My question basically boils down to: Does this plugin support a mix between local and online multiplayer?

#2. Say I have made a pregame lobby and my party of 8 want to join a server found in the server browser. Is there a way to make the partyleader( host) merge his session into an existing one, making all players in his session join the new session and destroy his old?

My plugin only exposes missing features to Blueprint, it does not change the online subsystem implementation itself. If you wanted some of those features you would have to roll your own subsystem that mixes local and online play and registers the players differently.

To merge sessions you could send an RPC to all clients with a session search result to connect too, the problem for steam would be that it doesn’t allow for searching if you are hosting yourself. There is a party system that isn’t currently implemented that is supposed to handle that functionality.

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This plugin does not seem to work with 4.11.2 source build?

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I compiled it with the source code and it worked for me just a few hours ago.
I noticed it said it couldn’t be found… where did you put the plugin?

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This plugin does not seem to work with 4.11.2 source build?

Make sure that it is in “Project/Plugins/AdvancedSessions”

Also if you compiled the engine make sure that the compiler is still set as if it is self build you will need the compiler to recompile for your custom engine version.

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Im using the official 4.11.2 github release branch, and the plugin was added properly to project/plugins/advancedsessions etc.
Tried to add it to all plugins directories eventually just to be sure, and none worked. What is a self build? VS is always set to win64 development editor.
I can try recompiling the engine, but since its not an engine plugin im not sure that would help?
Thanks for helping out.

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Im using the official 4.11.2 github release branch, and the plugin was added properly to project/plugins/advancedsessions etc.
Tried to add it to all plugins directories eventually just to be sure, and none worked. What is a self build? VS is always set to win64 development editor.
I can try recompiling the engine, but since its not an engine plugin im not sure that would help?
Thanks for helping out.

Its if you downloaded the actual source to the engine and compiled it, then it is a self build. The prebuilt binaries won’t be compatible and will have to be re-compiled to suite your compiled version.

The folder structure is currently “Plugins/AdvancedSessions/” and then that folder contains Binaries,Resources,Source,and AdvancedSessions.uplugin correct? It should ask if you want to re-compile it as the engine build differs.

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Ah I see, thanks alot for clearifying for me.
Where would I be prompted to recompile the plugin? If I start the project using the plugin it only gives me that error.
I will look into this a bit, perhaps I lack knowlage with using plugins using source built engine.

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Can this be used to download / upload files from/to Amazon S3 buckets ?


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Ah I see, thanks alot for clearifying for me.
Where would I be prompted to recompile the plugin? If I start the project using the plugin it only gives me that error.
I will look into this a bit, perhaps I lack knowlage with using plugins using source built engine.

Yeah it should ask you if you want to recompile it.

Can this be used to download / upload files from/to Amazon S3 buckets ?



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If you want to do this I would check out the REST plugin. I don’t have a link but just google it and you should find it

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Since I’m now working on a project I’m taking a little bit more serious, I decided to check this out today before I take any of my multiplayer stuff any further. Took some scratching my head, but once I figured it out - the way it works just makes sense and is really easy to work with. Thus far I’ve only made a simple friends list though.

Does it have a Wiki page or some other means of documentation? There are some things that remain a mystery to me such as what presence, advertise and uses stats entices.

I personally would love to help contribute to a Wiki page. :rolleyes:


Not sure if a bug, or me doing something wrong. But I can’t seem to get my own steam username…? I can get my own avatar just fine by using Get Friend Steam Avatar, but using Get Friend*(on my own net ID)* does not yield any results. I’m assuming this is because Get Friend, much like the name implies - only work for your friends?

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Since I’m now working on a project I’m taking a little bit more serious, I decided to check this out today before I take any of my multiplayer stuff any further. Took some scratching my head, but once I figured it out - the way it works just makes sense and is really easy to work with. Thus far I’ve only made a simple friends list though.

Does it have a Wiki page or some other means of documentation? There are some things that remain a mystery to me such as what presence, advertise and uses stats entices.

I personally would love to help contribute to a Wiki page. :rolleyes:


Not sure if a bug, or me doing something wrong. But I can’t seem to get my own steam username…? I can get my own avatar just fine by using Get Friend Steam Avatar, but using Get Friend*(on my own net ID)* does not yield any results. I’m assuming this is because Get Friend, much like the name implies - only work for your friends?

Sorry I haven’t made a wiki, it takes most of my free time maintaining and working on my projects and writing documentation is not my strong suite. Regardless everything that applies to c++ subsystem pretty much applies to this as I am exposing them.

Get friend literally only works on your friends list, you can get your own steam name in the engine by accessing the player state of yourself and getting the name, I didn’t need to modify anything there.

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Sorry I haven’t made a wiki, it takes most of my free time maintaining and working on my projects and writing documentation is not my strong suite. Regardless everything that applies to c++ subsystem pretty much applies to this as I am exposing them.

Get friend literally only works on your friends list, you can get your own steam name in the engine by accessing the player state of yourself and getting the name, I didn’t need to modify anything there.

No worries man, it was pretty straightforward once I had done it once. I haven’t touched any of the C++ just as my programming knowledge is fairly limited and I’ve only ever worked with C# and Lua before, I’m afraid I’ll make everything explode. :rolleyes: If you ever get around to creating a basic Wiki page for the plugin, it naturally should fill itself with information as users help contribute to it.

I assumed that was how it worked, but wasn’t sure how to get my own username. Thanks for the clarification, really appreciate it! :smiley:

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Hi I recently opened a Case on AnswerHub to get some help from Unreal itself regarding my joining session problem.
If you want you can take a look yourself and maybe give some hints to lead me to the right track.

Best regards

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Hi I recently opened a Case on AnswerHub to get some help from Unreal itself regarding my joining session problem.
If you want you can take a look yourself and maybe give some hints to lead me to the right track.

Best regards

I replied on answerhub, you appear to have a bad property in your driverclass definitions, this may be stopping it from initializing them. Your “DriverClassFallback” appears to be declared as “DriverClassFall?back”?

It is throwing the fatal error when it fails to create the NetDriver.

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Hello Everybody,
I’ve tested the start/stop voice - but i’m wondering if it’s possible to implement team voice: team A only hear team A, and Team B…
Do uou know if it’s possible with the actual plugin please ?

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Hello Everybody,
I’ve tested the start/stop voice - but i’m wondering if it’s possible to implement team voice: team A only hear team A, and Team B…
Do uou know if it’s possible with the actual plugin please ?

Unregister players on the other team.

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Oh, thank you, i’ve just seen that in the ProximityVoipProject. And the possibility to spatialize the sound with a sound VOIP class. Very good.
Good job everyone.
A last question: "if i want to rebuild the plugin for another version, like - is it possible ? I’ve seen there is source files, but don’t know how to proceed to build another version of the plugin. Is it possible ?

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Oh, thank you, i’ve just seen that in the ProximityVoipProject. And the possibility to spatialize the sound with a sound VOIP class. Very good.
Good job everyone.
A last question: "if i want to rebuild the plugin for another version, like - is it possible ? I’ve seen there is source files, but don’t know how to proceed to build another version of the plugin. Is it possible ?

That plugin doesn’t fully localize the sound, it just mutes based on distance.

If you want to use the plugin on a different version of the engine then just run the engine with a compatible compiler installed, it will ask to rebuild and will succeed unless the new engine version has incompatible changes.

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That plugin doesn’t fully localize the sound, it just mutes based on distance.

If you want to use the plugin on a different version of the engine then just run the engine with a compatible compiler installed, it will ask to rebuild and will succeed unless the new engine version has incompatible changes.

It’s seems to be much more: not only mutes but adjust the sound with the distance. It’s a good base.
Ok, if i do that, it only says me that it’ll deactivate the plugin. Probably, i’ve to add a C++ source file to regenerate the project before.

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