Thanks for the info, I will be looking at giving this try soon Awesome post process effects
Hey ,
This all looks awesome and perfect for a game I’m thinking of trying to put together. Like some other people here however, I’m just a hobbyist looking to get back into game development after not looking into it for the last couple of years, so you’ll have to bear with my ignorance on what will most likely be really obvious questions to you! All previous minor experience I had before was with Unity up until UE4 was made free… i.e yesterday!
Is there any issues with using this pack in VR/Oculus Rift? Does the seteroscopic cameras affect the visual fidelity at all or is that just something that doesnt happen?
Does cel-shaded affect the performance/framerate too much to be implemented into VR where high framerates are essential? I’ve not seen many cel-shaded VR demos so I dont know if theres anything other people know that I don’t!
Is there any effect on performance or visual fidelity if there is multiplayer in the game?
To be honest, I’ll be buying your pack anyways as I love cel-shaded graphics and will use them at some stage or another and you seem to have that pretty much well mastered and available at a very reasonable price, so kudos to you!
Edit: I just reread page 3 of this thread and you confirm it works fine on the oculus rift so that answers question 1!
Hi Fuzzywobs!
Only in that the Rift is quite low resolution, but I know from using it that everyone’s experience is different and depends heavily on proper IPD setup. All the usual Rift issues aside, it looks pretty good. Obviously with such a low res the line effects aren’t as obvious, but this is far from the only effect the shader provides. I was happy with how the sample map looks using the Rift.
The cel-shader adds a small tax to a scene, but you gain a lot of that back by no longer needing to use other costly shaders or post-processing effects as the cel-shader effectively obscures them. It should balance out.
I haven’t tested this beyond running two clients on the same machine, but I would assume that shader/multiplayer performance interactions aren’t a thing.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the slow reply, let me know if you have any other questions!
Hey mate! How can I choose only characters to be affected by that postprocess mat and the rest of the scene intact?
You sure can:
Check out exclude/include settings here:
It’s been a couple of months since the last update but I’ve got a new feature to share with you! Here’s a sneak peek:
That pixellation indeed looks awesome!
Cleaned it up a little more:
Eat your heart out Roberta Williams. It looks amazing in motion - video coming tonight and this effect will appear in the next update to the asset.
You’re almost achieving bring back Pitfall there from Atari age. This will become a classic one day there in the future.
Here’s some rough captures. You really want to go to Youtube and view them at full res, full screen to see what it’s doing.
I’ve made some progress on mobile cel shading that doesn’t require a custom post-process effect. Here’s a couple of shots of the new standalone materials from the editor, and then a couple of shots of the same scene from an iPhone Six Plus for comparison.
The materials support ink-edging along the profile of an object, hatching, texture-based brush stroke distortion and separate posterization of colour and luminosity.
iPhone Six Plus
out on curiosity
the pirate scene you use for an example, what does the texture maps look like before you use you cel-shade asset?
They’re very simple textures. One of the cel shading functions will trace differences in colour and lightness, so you can use this to your advantage. There’s a power control that lets you adjust how much difference it requires to shade and how strongly it traces. In the landscape on the last screenshot, you can see where I’ve set the falloff for this particular preset.
Before importing most of my textures I run a smart blur filter over them to smooth out detail I don’t care as much about, such as on the palm leaves and the big ropes. This raises their threshold for being detail traced. Conversely, on the skull texture I didn’t have to do anything. It all depends on the source.
And remember, you can always mix and match:
On a side note, anyone else slightly irritated by the default shader branch node, with how it’s only <, == or >=? This is how you solve that:
Because real if/else commands are direly slow in GPU pipelines due to the fragment needing to be potentially loaded/unloaded for each pixel, it’s actually faster to leave your entire fragment there, render both branches and lerp between them. This function does that for you.
was just asking because I’m trying to figure out an art style, and a texture that would fit into it, and you example wasn’t using this ultra-realistic look
Gotcha. If you already have the assets, check out the different cel shader presets. I’d also recommend loading up the Epic sample content such as Matinee Fight Scene and the Landscape demos and inject the cel shader into those projects then play with it. You’ll quickly get a feel for what results different textures give you. The landscape demo looks great with the defaults while the matinee fight scene requires lots of work to get looking good.
In general hand-painted textures with brush-stroke looking detail on top of flat or graduated shading in them come out looking great. If you’re sourcing from photographic material, definitely try running a smart blur over it in Photoshop.
There’s a bit more detailed overview of how to texture for the cel shader here:
Cel Shader Update
An update to the cel shader will be up on the marketplace soon. This update includes:
Pixelation filter
Various speed and quality improvements
Mobile cel shader preview
Look for it in the next few days!
I’m going to avoid using photos in my texture work, I’m aiming to make sure the textures stay dynamic with Allegorithmic’s software. I want this sort of anime-realism look, visualizing the skin for character isn’t hard (just look at the FF10-13 hi-res renders), but matching an environment style to it is stumping me a bit
I’ve played with Allegorithmic a bit, but not enough to know how to do the things I’d recommend, but this is the kind of look I’d try to achieve: