Admob test before publishing

  1. Make sure you run “GenerateProjectFiles.bat” to create the project files and UE4.sln
  2. Open UE4.sln in Visual Studio 2013
  3. Select “Development” from the solution configurations
  4. Select “Android” or “Tegra-Android” from the solution platforms
  5. Open up Engine and right click on UE4 and select Rebuild

That should do it. If you want to confirm, check in Engine/Binaries/Android and see the timestamp on; it should be new. Now you can use this for launching or packaging.

Okay, I can’t even find “GenerateProjectFiles.bat” on my computer. I’ve searched the Engine Directory, my project folders, and even my entire C: drive. Can I download this file from Github?

Here is the steps in the docs:

The GenerateProjectFiles.bat should be in the directory above Engine.

Okay so I built UE4.9 on Win64, but couldn’t open my project (which was created on UE4.8 non-source code version). I then tried to build the UE4.sln for Android, and received two errors:

Error 1 error : UE4Editor does not support the Android platform. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\EXEC UE4

Error 2 error MSB3075: The command “…\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat UE4Editor Android Development” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 43 5 UE4

NDKROOT environment variable needs to be defined.

Okay I was finally able to successfully build UE4.9 with Development Android config. My “” file has the correct timestamp. Now do I need to start a new debug instance of the UE4.9 solution file in VS, and carry out the android packaging from that instance of UE4?

No, updating the .so is all you need, not a new editor. Just package your project with the new .so.

See this VIDEO:

See this video example:

See this video
Admob Unreal Engine: