I’m a noob myself, but I’m working on a similar project. I could be wrong but I’ll answer as far as I understand so far.
i really don’t know. My plan was to create a completely separate character and have him follow much the same as an enemy would. That may work though for what you’re trying to do.
still working on that too. I would start with an enemy AI tutorial that teaches you how to make an enemy chase you, and then add mods too it. Probably something player character and get wold position and traces (blueprint nodes).
input action shift key and spawn the character in pressed and destroy on pressed again. Or something like that. I believe there is an alternator node in the same section as the branch node that would accomplish this.
This may not be helpful and you may know more that me, but I saw no one had replied yet, so maybe this will point you in the right direction if you haven’t solved it already.