Actors BP disapear when Build Geometry or Lighting UE5.1.0

Good To know ! Waiting 5.3.0 then !

But anyone know if this is fixed in 5.2 ? (If not, we can maybe except the fix incoming in 5.3.0 to be moved in 5.2.X, no ?)

For everyone with this issue the easiest fix is to click in the map, Ctrl+A to mark all objects, move them in any direction, and then Ctrl + Z, all actors and objects are displayed again, its not the best solution, but is at least something


IDK if i am late, but I hope it will help someone int the future.
All what u need to do is delete the Garbish UE5.1 and download 5.2. Its a 5.1 Problem.

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Thanks my friend. It worked for me change from 5.1.1 to 5.2.1 version. And then, when i build the light, the BP Actor don’t disappears

Removing any BSP fixes this issue.