Massive sorry for necroing this topic. I used the code proposed by and it worked perfectly in development. Sadly when I finished the project and am building it for my target platform (iOS) I get this error:
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): [113/541] Compile MazeOnGameModeBase.cpp
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): C:\Users\aless\Documents\Unreal Projects\MazeOn\Source\MazeOn\MasterMaze.cpp:84:23: error: static_cast from 'unsigned char *' to 'FColor *' is not allowed
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): FColor* MazeLayout = static_cast<FColor*>(Layout->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_ONLY));
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PackagingResults: Error: static_cast from 'unsigned char *' to 'FColor *' is not allowed
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): [114/541] Compile MasterMaze.gen.cpp
So if meets this requirements then it’s added to Pixel Color but this is just 0 to 1 ? where is the mechanism for looking up the shades of gray for the heightmap between black and white there they are.
This is not good for heigthmaps, or maybe I’m wrong and not reading it properly.
So in Pixel color I guess it records the color code or does it record 1 or 0 ?