No, i think were just both over thinking it… what about this:
Shouldn’t there be a way to do this without casting to the master itself? My struct has a variable for item class which can actually be modified via the child blueprints. Can’t believe i didn’t consider this. Is there a way to pass this through without casting to the master?
well… i guess not… because I need the cast to call the equip funct. FML
Ok, but why are we evern concerned with Getting All Actors?
I mean Equip is set up, with the 3Rd person char, you already have gotten the item to attach, you have the skeletal mesh. Why not just alter, the Equip function, with it accepting one parameter of the item to attach (would be nice to go ahead and set it up to also have a parameter of the socket name, and you can test for the length of hte socket name passed, and if that is less than 1, then default to a particular socket name)
This would seem to get you rocking and rolling.
And don’t forget to turn on those arrows, they actually are a lot better than the reroutes!
Already did , thanks a million