About laser scan reference

yes… i send the link, but the upload is slowly… 1 or 2 h



you can check, laser scanner was upload

I tested it and it is working on my side normally.

These were my laser scans import settings:

These are GCPs import settings:

And these are coordinate system settings:




Yes, it was the same parameters, but was different, i don’t know

but the relative coordinate doesn’t change in local… if this the problem?

can you send me your configuration parameters… i don’t know why

Which version of RealityCapture do you have?

Can you please try clean install (open RealityCapture with pushed Shift and choose Make it like a clean install) and import laser scans again?

In you case it seems like the laser scans position is not applied in alignment, but hard to say why…

I have it the same:

But in first print screen you didn’t have these relative coordinates option…

These are my project and LSPs: https://we.tl/t-AH96Ow3ufS

perfect… i have do a clean installation, and now work…

many thanks…


and now if i wont to allign image component, i have to put this gcp in only image?

You’re welcome.

It is better, when these GCPs are also on LSPs, but in this case the images should be enough.

Hi ì, i have a problem with a sample dataset…

i hava a uav photo of river and a gcp point via gps… 

but there is some problem in the allignment…

can i share with you a dataset? 



Hi … Ondrej, can i share my problem?


i have this more images of a river and 42 point for georeferencing… but the software doesn’t work well…




the coordinate system is wgs 84 / utm 33 N

when i selected the gcp in the photo, not all the photos show me the presence of gcp, why?


in the methashape all work well… why here no?




Please try disabling cameras’ geo-location information, and then aligning. It could be that it is clashing with GCPs. To do so, click on one in the 1Ds view, pres CTRL+A and in the Selected Inputs Panel under Prior Pose change Absolute pose to Unknown.

OK, now im testing it…

1 - i alligneed the camera

2- i did a georeferencing, with gcp

3- when I associate the images to the gcp why do not all the images that have the cgp appear inside? I only select some images

this is the result


Stupend… fantastic… 


This issue os often happening for long narrow objects like roads. There it depends, how you captured the images, what was the flight height and how many lines you used there. The result can be the banana effect. More about it you can find here: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018811880-Banana-effect-what-to-do-if-my-model-is-bent

In you alignment settings, don’t use image downscale factor set to 3, use 1.

The GCPs should be placed around a whole captured area. There are some places, where are these missing.

Why is there a gap between your captured parts?

Your Camera prior settings is still set to Yes, please, change it to No. On how many images are your GCPs placed?