Abatron - the making of a UE4 Hybrid game =)

Thanks X.E.R.T. ! I’m glad you liked the marketplace packs!

Cheers! Thanks for the feedback DieByZer0! We will keeping pushing ahead =)

Something I started before going to GDC was documenting our new model pipeline. However much to my surprise, Substance Painter came out with new baking features this past week and so I had to update my workflow. I’m loving the pipeline as the iteration time is even faster now, more sync’d to UE4, and removes the need for Substance Designer in our pipeline.

I decided to write a small Wiki to keep an ongoing effect on how to use these new and exciting techniques. Plus it is a good resource for getting started to baking for new cooks =)

I plan on updating it with new information and any new tips and hopefully others do the same!

Have fun with your gamedev!

Rama’s In-Game AI Creator

**UMG And C++ **

In this video I demo my AI creator!

It has these features:

  1. Fully usable in a packaged game, Editor not required, it runs from within the game itself.

  2. End-user / player can create their own AIs, and save them to hard disk! File sizes are tiny

  3. The entire engine is in C++, UMG is used for accessing and tweaking variables, but all math and logic is done at highest speeds in C++!

**New Generation of RTS Games, Code Your Own AI!**

With my Rama AI Creator I am facilitating the birth of a new generation of RTS games, where you as the pro gamer / single player / co-op ally create the AI for your units before the match, and then your units use the AI you provide them with during the main game!

This means a whole new level of Strategy in Real-time Strategy games!

My AI options are sophisticated enough to also entertain hard core first/third person action gamers who want the AI to be really really good!

**Rama AI Script**

The most powerful feature you see in the video is that I was able to make my own dynamic UMG-editable reference system!

Basically I can create my own variables using just UMG, and link different AI actions to each other, all using UMG!

**This means I have created a UMG scripting language that compiles down to raw C++ code that runs at highest peeds!

Per Unit Instance AI

Please note my system supports coding unique AI for each instance of a unit, not just a unit type!

So you can have 10 of the same unit with 10 different and unique AI system driving them as created using my AI creator!

**See Your Own Logic Unfold Before Your AIS** ( ;) )

And the best part is that you get to watch your own logic and decision making process evolve as you do battle with your own AI logic and create better AI units, because you can code the computer to use your AI, on a per-unit basis!

The video is quite long, I explain the rest there!



Smircles! Persistent Ai scripts, keep up the great work!

Custom UMG Components for Abatron AI Creator

Here’s a video demonstrating my first custom UMG component! Notice how my Slate C++ code works with UMG’s render transform system, making animation and render transformations work perfectly!

I am using this custom C++ UMG component to spiff up the visuals of my in-game Abatron AI Creator!

Full C++ Source Code at my Custom UMG Component Wiki!


Maybe you know the answer to this, because I can’t find it anywhere for some reason. Im trying to make a UMG menu, and a HUD. Is there a way to just load a whole sprite sheet with everything on it then cut it apart in engine like with Unity, or did you have to load each image separately with your menu?

Hey FatMoth, there is SubUV that you could try. I use them for decals and particles. Also, I believe… the example shooter game may have some insight on setting up a texture atlas. =)

Hello, Tamara here. I’m a recently added team member for Abatron and would like to present a new update regarding our maps.


This is our first planet you’ll be able to battle on. It is one of the few planets that is still somewhat intact after the initial war that set Abatron into motion. We will be updating this thread periodically showing the process from concept to finished.

We will follow Justin as he creates the entire environment using UE4. Justin is our environment artist and has done amazing work for several AAA games. You can check out his prior work here: ArtStation - Justin Owens

So please join on us this journey!

If you have any questions or feedback, I will be happy to answer to the best of my ability. Thanks for having me!

Welcome to the team Tamara!




Some outstanding work going on in here guys, keep it up!

Thanks alot! Its getting exciting seeing all of the new pieces come together. =)

Our level design flow map for the planet Nekros. With points of interest like resources, creatures, etc, this will help our level designer get a clear picture of how to layout the level for gameplay.

The map will include hostile creatures that will attack any faction, and environmental hazards like volcanoes. This will add another level of danger on top of trying not to get shot and also allow you to use your environment for tactical advantages.

Hey guys, a quick programming update. Rama and I have been coding like mad. We’ve went through a huge re-factoring of code for performance and writing tools to improve stability testing. I highly recommend other devs to setup a rig to run test conditions continuously even if its while you are sleeping =) I have knocked out so many bugs and improved stability over the past week.

Additionally, I’ve been working on the defense gameplay with the turrets and and health systems. Rama has been working on the transports and flying Ai, which is looking great.

Also, I posted a cool vector field blog this past weekend check it out here: http://www.abatrongame.com/vector-field-particles/

Have fun with your GameDev! =)


We’re rocking today’s update with some sweet new rock kits by Justin. These have been created to get the feel for the style of rocks in the map and were created using 3D Coat, Modo & Photoshop.

Next up will be cliff faces!

Hi guys,
we just got this scale image in. It’s a basic guide to design playable areas that fit well with the gameplay mechanics. Each square is 1 meter, which equals 100 UU (unreal units)

We’re taking into consideration the jumping heights of some of our creatures, how high our hover vehicles can go before they path around a cliff, our large flying vehicles and the range of turrets.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let us know.

How many polys are those rocks? :smiley:

The rocks are ~2500 tris. Here is a wireframe shot.


Awesome stuff! Abatron has been a name I remember from the weekly streams, but I never got around to look into what it actually is. Glad I did, keep up the great work! :smiley:

Thanks BhaaL! We definitely playing around with the idea of doing some Twitch streams, so we’ll be sure to update here when that happens.

Hi everyone. We’re still hard at work on the Nekros map, but I wanted to share with you some other progress we’ve been making. Our texture artist Rodolpho has created a wonderful timelapse painter of our Reaver unit. This was the final step in the development pipeline for the model. Now he’s ready to go into the engine!