Abandoned House

Well, I love how the tree turned out and the “aged” look on the gravestones… But any abandoned cemetery house needs (my favorite cliche) a good ghost-like-figure looking through the upstairs window. Apart from my love of cliches, this is incredible. All the detail really makes it. :slight_smile:

Happy developing until your next update! :smiley:


Hello this is my update for week 8

For this week we worked on the lighting of the world, the clouds and the fog

some house texture fixes

A fake interior with a ghost was added to add dynamism and make the scene look more terrifying

A character was added from the game’s megascans (paragon), this will help us give more atmosphere to our stage

and finally we worked on the optimization of the scenario

Lastly, some sounds were added to improve the atmosphere


Thank you for your comment, your idea was very helpful to me.


The ghost in the door! Wow :smiley: It looks incredible. Even better than I imagined.

Thanks for taking the time to share :slight_smile:

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