AAA Ultra High Quality Pistol Asset Pack from Studios

Any ETA for the Desert Eagle? :slight_smile:

It doesn’t look like it is going to be included in tomorrow’s release so judging by the review times and the holiday season I imagine we might have to wait for a mid-January release.

Tis the season for a great deal! The Pistol 3-Pack is 40% off this week as part of the 12 days of Christmas sale. There’s no better time to stock up on these beauties:

Here’s a little Christmas present for you today with our first fully finished shots of our Desert Eagle. As an extra bonus for the future we will be producing 5 texture variants here including different ammo textures, a stainless steel option and then various degrees of wear/tear. Our plan is to go through all of the weapons with 5+ texture/material options and we wanted the Desert Eagle to be the first of many to have these options!

Only a few days left to get this pack at 40% off so fill yer boots while the sale lasts!!

We are getting closer to releasing our G18! Here’s a breakaway image that shows all the parts that make up this amazing machine-pistol. With over 1,100 rounds per minute in full auto, the G18 can fire its entire EXTENDED 33 round clip in about 1.8 seconds… I’d wear gloves for sure though, because I bet it gets smoking hot by the time you’re done.

Here’s a close up of the upcoming G18 as well!

In honor of our 44 Magnum pistol being our first entry on the Marketplace, we’re excited to share that our FP Arms 3-pack hit the Marketplace today, making it the first arms pack up on Unreal’s store! Here are the male bare arms with the Desert Eagle which will also be available soon. All of the weapons packs include a set of animated arms, but with the 3-pack you can get female arms and military male arms as well!

Can we get skins like CS:GO? :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, excellent work.

May I suggest the H&K USP.

@ - We’ll add it to the list of requests we’ve had! Up next is the Desert Eagle .50 and the G18 Machine-pistol. After that nothing has been decided 100% yet :slight_smile: If anyone else has specific requests, now is the time!

Hey guys, great work. Question: I know you’re doing some free textures with the Desert Eagle, but if/when you update other guns will you be offering free new textures for those as well? Or will you be selling textures in packs of 5 or something? I mean, I plan on buying either way but basically I am wondering what (if any) free updates you’ll be adding to the weapons.

I don’t even need this for what I am working on currently but still am going to get it. I love that G18 and the deagle is just a nice bonus. I will find somehow to justify a purchase of this ;D to the others lol.

Super excited to announce that the G18 pistol has hit the marketplace today:

Any new ETA for the Desert Eagle? :smiley:

Hey there @Neutronux thanks for asking :slight_smile: We’re releasing it first as part of our pistol 5-pack with texture variations, but if you are just looking to pick up the DE, then it will be on the marketplace in a few weeks! Here’s one of the stainless textures that will be included in the 5-pack on the Marketplace in a few weeks:

Hey Bob, we will most likely be offering an additional texture variant on the individual pistol pack and then offering up to 5 additional variants in the 3 and 5 combo and variety packs that should be coming out over the next couple of months. A lot of people have been wanting to see as much value added to those packs to justify buying them after purchasing one or more of the individual packs so this is the main reason we are going forward and creating these variations and attachments.

For those of you interested, our next “3 Pack” is going to have the M9, XM8, and MP7a1!

We call it the “One of Each” pack. Basically because it has an AR, A pistol, and an SMG :slight_smile: A little variety goes a long way!

The detail in these weapons are stunning , nice work! Also, you need your marketplace tag! Message or Reuben about it and they should be able to fix you up. =)

Thanks for the tip, we’ve been around here daily since 2009 in the UDK days and no one wants to give us a tag, it will be good to get our first one finally :slight_smile:

will u be updating the 3 pack to inclue the 2 new pistols? or do i have to buy the 5 pack aswell