Good to know [MENTION=4041]Martin Bean[/MENTION], and duly noted about the M1 Garand…anything General Patton calls the “the greatest battle implement ever devised” is definitely on our list. It’s just icing on the cake that the designer was French-Canadian like us
If you haven’t already picked it up, you can now get the SVD Sniper Rifle as part of our new Marksmen Variety Pack that is now Live on the Marketplace:
Hey Ironbelly, I’m really enjoying your FPS Starter Pack #1.
I see you are hard at work with other varied packs for the marketplace. But is there any news on the M200 or M24? One sniper is not enough, we need more!
Keep up the solid work!
Agreed. Please add bolt action rifles.
Ask and ye shall receive:
Yessssss!!! Thanks
We will keep you posted and let you know when we submit!
Just a heads up that we’ve also been going back through some of our original animations and adding a little more life to them, making them feel smoother and more organic. We will be releasing this as part of a free update to all packs but here is an example of the new reload for the SVD:
I just re-downloaded the 4.15 svd package and the thumb is still borked, when do you think these animation updates will arrive?
Could you send over a screen shot or video over to We’ve planning on updates, but just want to make sure we’re fixing the right thing!
Posted it here:
In that gif you posted above it looks like its fixed, but I don’t see that update, atleast in the 4.15 version. Have those new animations been submitted yet?
Hey @docjor I think we submitted it, but I’ll check and confirm. Also, once we submit an update we’re at the mercy of Epic processing times, but I’ll make sure it is at least in the works and let you know for sure. Cheers!
Was it submitted?
Hey there, thanks for following up on this, we just checked and we didn’t get to it yet, but its on the top of our list now. We’ve been super slammed lately and apologize for the delay. Thanks for being so patient
How’s it goin
Happy to report that the update has been submitted @docjor ! Fire away!
well i’m getting curious when we are going to see some more sniper rifles hit the market. It has been about a year since the m200 preview was shown but still has yet to be seen. also would really like to see that M82 and M24 Just kinda wondering if these weapons are still in the plans.
P.S. Noticed like half of your weapons was missing from the marketplace today, they still are in my vault and can still access the pages from there but they are not present in your market page or under the weapons section.
edit: Used my Browser and located the only one I haven’t got yet(p90) and noticed it says “not for sale”. Will these weapons be going back up or what’s up? just got the handle grip 3p animations/aim-offsets was bout to get that p90!
As far as I can tell the missing weapons are: desert eagle, g18, m9, revolver, mp5, mp7, uzi, p90, supernova, xm8, hk416, and scar. also noticed the multi packs seem to be “not for sale” too.
In order to comply with Epic’s new copyright regulations we’re updating all of our packs to be different from the real world replicas, but you can still buy the p90 (and other weapons) over on our store. We’re working on shotguns first and its going to take us a while to get all of our other packs updated and Epic pulled them down in the meantime, hence the “not for sale”
Still wondering about them sniper rifles! Are they coming or have you abandoned them? I feel I need at least 3 to have a good balance in my game, one will just simply not do I’m sure I’m not the only one it would be an insta-buy for as there just isn’t any out there on the market place at the quality you provide. There is barely any on there period. Sitting so close to done with an early release with no placeholders except the snipers, it makes me sad as I can’t afford private contracted work to be done.
Hey @Necro_ABK thanks for your kinds words and support of our products, I know you’ve been a fan since we first started over three years ago!
With the way things have been going on the marketplace lately and the influx of other weapons, at this point the ROI on creating another weapon pack is just not there right now. We’re not working on a new Sniper Rifle right now, but never say never. We’re still dealing with getting our old packs updated and back out there so for now, that’s taking up any extra resources we have. Sorry to hear about your situation, wish things were different.