A Boy and His Kite - Jun 11 & Jun 12

[QUESTION] What is the pipeline for facial animations?

Oh man, I’m looking forward to this! Gonna be great :slight_smile:

Thank (again) Epic!

First off, thanks for making this available! I’ve been hoping to get my hands on the kite demo the moment I lay eyes on its glory. :smiley:

**[QUESTION(S)]**The heightmap GI you used in the kite demo seems to lead to great results in open world landscapes and I can’t wait to play around with it. However, other environments still require Light Propagation Volumes and they haven’t seen any updates for a while. Can we expect to see new features, such as “emissive lighting for cheap area lights” (to quote the documentation) or increased distance/accuracy in the not-so-distant future? Do you have any tips and tricks to share for using dynamic global illumination?

Thanks in advance, I’m looking forward to the stream!

Yeah, there’s way too much going on today! Steam summer sale starts in a couple of hours as well. Must invoke cloning protocol 27B-6

All I want is that rigged boy ready to animate.

I’ve been looking forward to this for months!


Heightfield GI:
There is info on Heightfield GI in the full release notes of 4.8 under “Lighting” roughly 2/3 down the scrollbar.

LPV update:
The master branch has the latest LPV features which have been checked in around mid May:

Updated LightPropagationVolume (from Lionhead )

  • reduced order of SH (faster but a bit more blurry)
  • DirectionalOcclusion (disabled by default, can be enabled in PostProcessSettings, affects SkyLight and ReflectionEnvironments but not AmbientCube)
  • Material BlockGI feature
  • Spotlight support
  • Uses AsyncCompute on XboxOne as optimization (order is not optimized yet)

I’m in! Cannot wait for it :smiley:


  • Will the upcoming Alembic support bring correct camera import from Maya/?
  • Any progress on volumetric clouds?

Oh man, I don’t know how I missed that. Thanks for the info!
Question updated.

Where can I download it? I can’t see it under the Learn tab in the launcher. Or has it not been uploaded yet?

nvm found it

I forth that, please release the script you used to edit the raw images, the one that created a preview image on top of the dark raw one.
Thank you

My first Twitch experience. Interesting talk, loads of great tips. Thanks guys!!

@: I don’t suppose you feel like doing a thread focused on breaking down the Kite demo(as far as you were involved) and 4.8, focusing on workflow; including World Machine. With a similar mentality that DanielW has brought to his thread on DFGI in 4.8.

For a GDC demo or small project, settling for a flipped terrain isn’t such a big deal. I’d also like to see the World Machine side of things when it comes to the splat/weightmaps you used. In another thread you mentioned:

When we want to expand the world or replace certain areas of a rather massive world, this seems like it could become a rather big headache even with scripts to rename everything. Very disruptive to “flow”.

Obviously with the Kite demo there’s a focus on real world scale as well. Overall there’s so much ground to cover(pun intended), that getting everything addressed in a Twitch stream just isn’t going to happen. I’d love to see of some that unofficial internal workflow documentation that likely isn’t planned to be released. There’s a lot of gems floating around that aren’t in wiki posts, but are instead scattered over different forum posts. Often it’s also ddvlost making some great posts on the subject, it would be nice to get that wisdom consolidated into one thread. While there are lots of approaches to doing the same thing, I’d rather be using Epic’s methods as much as possible(assuming efficiency is the overall result).

Thanks for tuning in guys it was fun.

Here’s the summary of the recent LPV improvements we integrated from Lionhead (2015/05/15)

updated LightPropagationVolume (from Lionhead )
* reduced order of SH (faster but a bit more blurry)
* DirectionalOcclusion (disabled by default, can be enabled in PostProcessSettings, affects SkyLight and ReflectionEnvironments but not AmbientCube)
* Material BlockGI feature
* Spotlight support
* Uses AsyncCompute on XboxOne as optimization (order is not optimized yet)

It’s not something we are actively working on unfortunately. That Intel demo looks great though

For further Heightfield GI and Distance Field GI information in 4.8 please see this thread

Hey , If you would be able to help me get this working with translucent shadows then we could have a solution sooner! The fourier shadows aren’t working correctly when my actor rotates.


video of issue link here.

The problem is either with tangents or bounds (or something I haven’t figured out yet) Eric has been helping me out which is great but I’m still a bit stuck.

Also if we were able to get a gather4 node in the material editor, then I would be able to do proper trilinear interpolation accross volume slices (right now its doing sampling across adjacent slices which is actually wrong but is forgiving for now.