Fix for UE-174595 UWorld::GetNetMode during PIE is also needed for AActor::GetNetMode

I ran in to the same issue as Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-174595) when calling IsNetMode inside an override of AGameStateBase::PostInitializeComponents.

I saw the fix in which is promising, however I suspect this may not fix the issue for calls to GetNetMode / IsNetMode on most Actor classes (including eg. GameStates) as AActor does not actually use the UWorld::InternalGetNetMode implementation ( see AActor::GetNetMode and AActor::InternalGetNetMode

Locally we solved this by changing AActor::InternalGetNetMode from

return NM_Standalone;


return World ? World->GetNetMode() : NM_Standalone;

This may also handle some other edge cases in AActor::InternalGetNetMode to do with the NetDriver being destructed according to some old comments I see related to this fix on our end.

It turns out this has also been fixed in ue5-main