Hi @UE_FlavienP
I’ve been taking a deeper look into this issue, and I should have also clarified the import options I am using.
In UE 5.2 there are two import options required to get the curves to be imported onto the skeleton correctly. These are making sure that Import Animations is ticked and also making sure that Do not import curves with only 0 values is unticked.
With these settings, in 5.2, the curves are recognised and appear on the skeleton.
Now, let’s use 5.4 to compare the behaviour, with the exact same import settings.
So far so good. The imported curves are visible on the generated animation sequence.
However, the curves are not associated with, nor visible on the skeleton at all.
Meaning that they are also not visible to control rigs etc.
I hope this helps narrow down the cause of this particular problem.