UE-73090 Repro Steps

Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-73090) says to post here with details so here you go. I am able to repro this crash and a workaround 100% using a vanilla BP Third Person template project and importing a tiled landscape with no materials. The steps are as follows:

In UE 4.22:

  1. Create a new Blueprint, Third Person template project and open it
  2. Create a new map, save it into a subfolder
  3. Enable World Composition
  4. Import tiled landscape (8x8 .r16 tiles, 255px^2, do not flip Y, -4, -4 offset, Components: 17x17 Sections: 1x1 Quads: 15x15, 2400 x 2400 x 12800 scale)
  5. Load all tiles
  6. Set the Landscape Actor LOD Distribution values to 10 (LOD 0 and Other LODs)
  7. Save all tiles
  8. Unload all tiles
  9. PIE
  10. Stop
  11. PIE (Crash)
  12. All subsequent PIE attempts on the tiled map will crash

Crash can be avoided by loading all tiles before PIE (not practical for a fully built map).
If steps 6. through 9. are skipped the crash will not appear until closing and re-opening the editor (and retrying PIE in the tiled map without first loading tiles).

All of the above also occurs in 4.23.

Cooked game runs fine/has no issue in 4.22.Cooked game in 4.23 has no landscape materials, but runs fine otherwise.

I can provide a sample project and/or .r16’s if necessary.