Hello all, this is my first post. I am trying to package my game, but I keep running into this dumb error. I’ve already installed Visual Studio and checked the C++ bool that came with it.
This is the error I got. Any ideas???
WARNING: Warning: Plugin 'NativizedAssets' does not list plugin 'OnlineSubsystemUtils' as a dependency, but module 'NativizedAssets' depends on 'OnlineSubsystemUtils'.
WARNING: Warning: Plugin 'NativizedAssets' does not list plugin 'AdvancedSessions' as a dependency, but module 'NativizedAssets' depends on 'AdvancedSessions'.
Parsing headers for Op_Ares_Alpha
Running UnrealHeaderTool "D:\school\quantum leap\opares[april 4] v1.2\Op_Ares_Alpha.uproject" "D:\school\quantum leap\opares[april 4] v1.2\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Op_Ares_Alpha\Development\Op_Ares_Alpha.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
D:/school/quantum leap/opares[april 4] v1.2/Intermediate/Plugins/NativizedAssets/Windows/Game/Source/NativizedAssets/Public/BPI_Marker__pf2132744816.h(15) : Error: 'bpf__SetObjectives__pf' conflicts with 'Function /Script/NativizedAssets.BPI_Marker_C:bpf__SetObjectives__pf'
Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'Op_Ares_Alpha' (platform: Win64, module info: D:\school\quantum leap\opares[april 4] v1.2\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Op_Ares_Alpha\Development\Op_Ares_Alpha.uhtmanifest, exit code: OtherCompilationError (5)).