Hi in my project every time i create a BlueprintClass child of a certain blueprint i get this “crash crash on startup Attempting to replace an object that hasn’t been fully loaded”
But i only get that after closing the editor and trying to re-open it.
If don’t close the project i can keep coding and doing stuff the crash never occur.
It only happens on reload.
I found this similar issue → Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-40042)
My project setup is kind like this:
I have my BlueprintParent, it has a bunch of things (I know its bad), very large blueprint.
And this BlueprintParent may have children of the same type as BlueprintParent or not and also may have proceduralMesh.
I’m trying to make children from this BlueprintParent with no success.
Debuging i know that “crash on startup Attempting to replace an object that hasn’t been fully loaded” is occuring in a proceduralMesh part of the code.
I’m Using 4.15, when i delete my BlueprintChild direct from the project folders it works fine again.
What do you guys need for more testing? Or maybe a work around, i have seen this [Crash] Attempting to replace an object that hasn't been fully loaded - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums
But cant say if this is going to work.
Thanks, see ya guys.