In Sequencer when piloting camera, looking down (Y-90) causes X orientation to be changed when it shouldn't, resulting in strange piloting after

In Sequencer when piloting camera, looking down (Y-90) causes X orientation (roll) to be changed when it shouldn’t, resulting in strange piloting after. The Z value changes are pretty crazy too. Instead only the YZ values should change reliably and X should be left alone at 0, because it should be impossible to change the roll value when piloting since you’re only moving in 2D (up and down, changing the Y pitch value, and side to side, changing the Z yaw value).

If you end up with a strange roll you can end up in a situation where moving the mouse up moves the view right or something which feels really strange.

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Add a level sequence.
  3. Click the camera button to add a camera.
  4. Pilot the camera if this doesn’t happen automatically.
  5. Rotate the view either downwards or upwards so you’re looking down 90 degrees straight to the ground or up in the air.
  6. From there move the view side to side, the X and Z values should vary wildly while the Y value is at -90 as expected.
  7. Move the mouse up, you may find that the view is rotated in a non expected way.


It looks like this is a known issue. I have listed a link below to our public tracker where you can keep an eye on future updates if you would like.

Public tracker link:

-Thank you!

Are you sure that the issue is related? The repro steps are completely different and the result too - in the post you linked the rotation goes the other way because quaternions only care about the final orientation (which imo is not really an issue as long as you insert extra keys for 180+ degree animations) and it is keyed animation.

My example has irregular value changes when looking straight down or straight up when piloting the camera. The real problem is that the roll value changes which doesn’t make sense when piloting a camera. You can move up and down or left and right but there is no mouse input when piloting a camera for rolling the camera, which is a good thing, and what makes this a new issue because it clearly changes the roll value when such a change is not intended.


Sorry that was the wrong link to something similar. It looks like it is known and has been backlogged for now, but if you want to keep track of it, you can use the link below. For now you may just have to position them without piloting them and periodically check the view to adjust your scene. Let me know if you have any other questions regarding this thread.

Public Tracker Link