[4.8.0] - SplineComponent 'Set World Location At Spline Point' Broken In Editor

I checked on UE-18438 and it has been marked as fixed in 4.9. If it did not make it into this preview it may be in a later one so keep an eye out on the preview notes!

Thanks ! That’s great news. Thanks for keeping me in the loop and hope you had a great weekend!

I had the same problem and I just checked this in 4.9
It works now! Great work guys :wink:

Just checked in 4.9 preview 4. It kind of works, after adding the spline points to the spline (using the world co-ordinate space), the nodes for the spline do indeed show up. But…

  1. The entire spline in the editor gets a color (pink) that I don’t know where it’s coming from. (editor unselected segment is white, editor selected segment is read)

  2. The nodes themselves (same pinkish hue), cannot be selected in the editor to move the individual spline point, it’s as if the “square” node doesn’t exist,and you click right through it. The square nodes at the spline points do exist, they just cannot be selected to be manipulated.

Thank you

Ok, the plot thickens… What i reported prior is correct. BUT…

IF (and only if, lol) any other spline point is selected i.e. brand new spline component created by a blue print, with 2 nodes, 1 segment. Then select point 2, and THEN add the new spline points into the spline, it does work. If spline point 1 (relative to 1 of course), is the selected point, when the new spline points are added, then it does not work, as mentioned before.


When adding the spline points, with spline point 1 (relative to zero) selected, and say add 20 segments (the amount of segments makes no difference). There will be 2 artifact “selection” nodes visiable, as soon as the selected node is “dragged”, the two artifact “selection nodes” will disappear, and the spline segments will revert to the color set for “selection segment” and “non selected segment”