[4.7] - Defaults are zeroed out upon BP Construction

following probably relates to answer but just in case:

I found that default values for skeletal mesh, animation blueprint etc of child actors also get set to none when launching a standalone (this doesn’t happen in PIE). Can anyone else confirm this?

Yes, my anim blueprint (and skeletal mesh settings like position/rotation in some cases) was resetting after playing in Standalone or packaging game - HERE is bug report, and as they say, it should be already fixed in 4.7 (Middleton managed to fix it), but i didn’t checked it yet…

, I am using 4.7 branch from yesterday and issue is not fixed there. If I set a default value for a struct, save blueprint, close project, open project, open blueprint, all variables in struct are set back to parents defaults.

Hi MC Stryker,

Glad this problem is fixed for you now! If there isn’t one already, would you mind opening a new post for Standalone enum problem? Thanks!

Hey … this now seems fixed for me however, post above from CodeSpartan relating to Enumerations being broke is now an issue for me but it’s not as bad as it sounds thankfully. I checked and all enumerations are intact and correct and when you run in editor, any enumerations converted to text to be displayed are fine. However, when you run in game as Standalone as it’s own process, it doesn’t properly list them and all come out as default: NewEnumerator0… NewEnumerator1… etc. I also filled Eric K. on another thread who is lending a hand. Thanks!

Absolutely, hope you and team are having a great day!

Thanks a lot for your answer! default variable changing to 0 was driving me nuts. All because of that yellow reset icon. I wonder, why does that happen instead of using parent BP’s setting by default…