[4.11p8 BUG]Editor freezes while compiling character blueprint

Do you have any other steps I might be able to take to reproduce what you are seeing on my end?

Sadly,no.Just open 4,11 and open the BP_Swordman blueprint and click compile.

It appears the link to your project sent via pm has become inactive, can you send the link again so I can attempt this on my end again. I’ll be happy to give it another shot and see if I can get it to reproduce.

I have resent you the link as a private message.Thanks!

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this following the steps provided and have entered a bug report, UE-30063, to be assessed by the development staff.

Thanks.Also I have tested it with the new 4.12 preview,sadly,the issue still occured…
Hope you fix it soon!Thanks!

Unfortunately,this BUG has not been fixed in the preview 3,so I cannot start my project…

Hi ,

This bug is still under assessment by the development staff. Unfortunately I do not have a timeframe of when a fix will be implemented.

Hello, I had the same problem while migrating an old project, and solved :

1 - backup your “Intermediate” and “saved” folders in your project


2 - delete them

3 - relaunch the project

4 - may be you’ll have to make some blueprint modification but the project is now well compiled…

5 - I’m not responsible for your dataS lost :wink:

using UE4 4.11.2

Thanks for your advice,but sadly it does no help to me.Maybe the issue is not caused by this.

yes, you are right, after re-verification it solved some compilation freeze I had on certain class, but continue freezing while compiling a character Class… sorry for that misinformation :frowning:

After I upgrade the engine to 4.12.1,and I try compiling that character blueprint,the editor crashes immediately instead of freezing,once I compile one of the child blueprint of that character blueprint, the editor crashes too.


There was a major crash in 4.12.1 for compiling blueprints. 4.12.2 addresses this. Please try updating to 4.12.2 to see if this crash still occurs.

Thanks!I never encounter the crash in 4.12.2 now.But the freeze occurs again.I hope this BUG can be fixed in 4.13 or soon.

Hi ,

UE-30063 is still under assessment and a timeframe for a fix is not yet available. It would be best to check the [Announcements and Releases][1] when the 4.13 release notes are posted to get additional information as to whether this particular bug was fixed.


Thanks for your constant support!I’m very excited to see the BUG being fixed after checking the issue list:Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-30063).
Now I’m looking forward to the new 4.13.When will it be available?Thanks!

Hi ,

Unfortunately I do not have a timeframe of when 4.13 will be released. Please keep an eye out on the Announcements and Releases section of the forums as all major engine announcements are listed there as soon as they are made publicly available.