4.11.2 fails shipping built straight out of the box. Thanks!


As pointed out you may want to post on AnswerHub in the Packaging and Deployment section for community support, or try posting in the forums as well. The Support staff help out in this section when possible as well, but we cannot guarantee support.

4.11.2 for me packages out of the box without when testing with a blank project and scene with a few objects placed and set to Shipping. There would certainly be more outcry from the community if this functionality did not work and we’ve simply not seen any reaction like that.

When packaging fails there could be a multitude of reasons and it’s up to you to use the tools provided in the engine to debug and troubleshoot those issues. If you have any trouble this is where the community can be helpful in pointing you in the right direction, but this requires you to post the full logs from the project, if the logs point to the a UAT or UBT log you’ll need to post that as well, along with any additional information that may be needed. Understandably it can be frustrating and confusing if you’ve not done it before, but really it just takes time, patience, and the knowledge to know what you’re looking for to resolve the.

Some common packaging issues can be caused by the following:

  • Missing references to actors
  • redirector references
  • File name length for the file path (Windows limitation)
  • system specs
  • Size of the project being packaged
  • and much much more!

Also try having a look at our Packaging and Deployment Wiki that was created by one of our Support Staff to help. It’s there as a starting point and guide, but is not all inclusive of every error you could see though.

As a good practice once you get a build to work, it’s best to work it into your schedule to do a packaged build every couple of days of work. This way if something does come up you can narrow it down much more quickly than waiting towards the end of a project where you could have multiple issues you need to sift through to resolve the packaging issues.

I hope this helps in some way. :slight_smile: