3D Navigation Plugin

master branch has been tested on 4.25.

Will be getting it checked on 4.26 shortly.

What error are you seeing?

Thankyou for your plugin!
Would it be possible to get a few screenshots of how the nodes are setup in blueprint? I want to use it to output a set of vectors for the path. Thanks!

Little update to provide 5.2 engine compatibility.

Hoping to spend some time on a bit of a cleanup and refactor soon.


When I set bTrackMovingGoal is true in a SVONMoveTo Node, it seems useless.
In VisualLog I can see AI will reach last found path’s end point then Repath to Goal, it will not follow player when player moved.
I really need some help. Thank you.

Thank you, appreciated!

After watching Nav-relative codes, I found FNavPathSharedPtr Path in UAITask_SVONMoveTo not call SetGoalActorObservation func.
But when I call this func it will not work either, cause I Path’s NavigationDataUsed is not valid.
If I found something new I will back.

ps: my english is not very good. Sorry first.

I found a crash when generate svonvolume data. If I make volume intersect with a very little scene like this.
It will crash.
Cause myBlockdindices’s size is 2 and my volume Layers is 3 it will out range.