(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Any idea why the meshes disappear after you build the light ? (The VideoISM BP is created, it wouldnt work at without it created & selected so thats not the problem)

Hi there, welcome to the UE4 forums!

You have to download the right version of my plugin for your current engine version :slight_smile:


Last 4.10 plugin version was February 6th upload :slight_smile:


wonā€™t stop you from packaging, it is warning, Iā€™ve packaged for HTML5 many times and gotten the same warning, it is related to the PhysX includes in the plugin.

Both of my main computers died a few days ago so I canā€™t test anything right now, I use force no precomputed lighting (world settings) for most projects and hit build once and dont worry about lighting after that, using dynamic lighting. Dynamic lighting in UE4 is so awesome.

If you can get by with that for now you can side step the matter, when 4.11 is released and I have new computer I can do more thorough investigation.


BP node for Multi-Platform Projects

Dear Community,

For you folks making projects that ship to multiple platforms, make sure to check out node!

will let you perform custom BP actions based on whether your game is currently packaged for a mobile, console, PC, mac, or other platform!

**Macro ~ OS Branch**

You can wrap my node with a macro that has many execution pins to make  node an OS branch!


The seems to be that the warning is getting flagged as an error. Is there something that might be flagging warnings as errors in the unreal build process?


So I use 4.9.1. Which version of your plugin am I supposed to download? The oldest listed version in that second link is 4.9.2.

Iā€™ve tried September 21st, September 27th, October 6th, and October 14th, and theyā€™re incompatible.


P.S. It might be worth noting that Iā€™m using the GitHub version of UE4.

Sure ! Iā€™m still messing around until my 3d assets are . I wish i could find a good light tutorial, my lights always suck and its consuming to test the settings >_<.

Victory Plugin Upgraded to 4.11.0 Release! :heart:

Dear Community,

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Iā€™ve upgraded Victory BP Library to 4.11.0 Release!


New Download (28mb, Media Fire)

Please note my downloads also include these packaged binaries:

  1. Win64 Development
  2. Win32 Shipping
  3. HTML5 Development

Please see my instructions for Packaging UE4 Plugins With Your Game.

Donations can be sent to me via:


Wow, that was fast! Thanks for your awesome work, :o

Youā€™re welcome @Kenomica!


4.11 BP nodes From Me For You, live in-Engine!

Dear Community,

In 4.11 here are the BP nodes / C++ code that I contributed to the engine that Epic accepted!

1. Is Player Controlled

From the release notes:

New: Added Pawn::IsPlayerControlled() to compliment IsLocallyControlled() (thanks EverNewJoy!)

is for BP multiplayer games!

It lets you know if the character is currently being controlled by a human player :slight_smile:

If you combine with IsLocallyControlled() via a macro you can find out easily if any character/pawn is being locally controlled by a human player!

From the 4.11 Release notes:

New: Vector2D now has equal and not equal functions, just like Vector3D.

2. Vector2D == Vector2D and Vector2D != Vector2D

  1. Get Capsule Half Height Without Hemisphere

If you are working with PhysX code a lot, you will enjoy addition to UE4 because it gives you the half height of the capsule the same way hte PhysX engine sees it!



In complete disregard of the fact i am repeating myself, i just want to say THANKS man!

Since I know people occasionally put requests in here:
@I know that Slate includes RichTextBlock functionality, but is not exposed to UMG/Blueprints (yet).

I donā€™t know how trivial it would be to expose RTF functionality to UMG but it would be deeply appreciated (or really, just any way to change font colors in-line without recoloring the entire font string).

Big thanks for the update. :slight_smile: Is there yet a way to get Victory Ed Engine working with 4.11?

I really need a response here, please. Thanks!

If you are using a github version of UE4 than you must know how to compile the engine yourself? Well then just recompile my plugin yourself and you should be set!

Going from 4.9.2 to 4.9.1 you should be fine.


Youā€™re welcome!!!

Yes great point! I have a to do list as follows:

  1. Save System Plugin 4.11 (videos and description)
  2. Melee Weapon Plugin 4.11 (lots of videos of my melee plugin)
  3. Steam Friends Plugin 4.11 (connect to people via your steam friends list!)

and then

  1. Victory Ed Engine 4.11

Iā€™ll get there! Hee hee!

Feel free to remind me in a week tho if Iā€™ve not gotten to it.


is indeed a topic of great interest to me as well!

Seems as though it is experimentally exposed?

check out UE4 doc link!



Itā€™s obviously being worked on, in 4.10.4 it extends UWidget:

URichTextBlock : public UWidget

In 4.11 it extends :

URichTextBlock : public UTextLayoutWidget

I guess the only thing left to do is see if it can be extended, exposed to editor, and will actually work :slight_smile:

Does anyone see an option to expose The Rich Text Block via editor or project properties? I could not find anything.

And if thatā€™s the case probably its not ready, but of course thereā€™s the curious wish to try extending it and seeeeee

If you make a new variable, RichText and RichTextBlock are already available :slight_smile:

Vast Performance Improvement to Is Game In Fore Ground of OS

Dear Community,

If you didnt know, I offer you a node that allows you to always know if your game is the foreground window in your end userā€™s OS!

You can track bool on a timer to know when the user has tabbed out of the game, and then when they tab back in!

You can use knowledge to display messages, pause single player games, or throttle usage of resources if your game is no longer in the foreground!

Just another way to write polite and resource-efficient software, for you, from me! :slight_smile:

**Performance Improvement**

I am very happy to announce I've vastly improved my internal implementation of  ndoe!

My code went from :

**old version**


//Iterate Over Actors
	UWorld* TheWorld = NULL;
	for ( TObjectIterator<AActor> Itr; Itr; ++Itr )
		TheWorld = Itr->();
		if (TheWorld) break;
	//Get Player
	ULocalPlayer* VictoryPlayer = 

	if (!VictoryPlayer) return false;
	//get view port ptr
	UGameViewportClient * VictoryViewportClient = 
		Cast < UGameViewportClient > (VictoryPlayer->ViewportClient);
	if (!VictoryViewportClient) return false;
	FViewport * VictoryViewport = VictoryViewportClient->Viewport;
	if (!VictoryViewport) return false;
    return VictoryViewport->IsForegroundWindow();


to !

**new version!**


bool UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::ClientWindow__GameWindowIsForeGroundInOS()
  return FPlatformProcess::IsThisApplicationForeground();


The latter is very efficient to call frequently and is operating system independent just like the first version.


**New Download (29mb, Media Fire)**

Please note my downloads also include these packaged binaries:

1. Win64 Development
2. Win32 Shipping
3. HTML5 Development

Please see my instructions for [Packaging UE4 Plugins With Your Game](https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?3851-(39)--s-Extra-Blueprint-Nodes-for-You-as-a-Plugin-No-C-Required!&p=476476&viewfull=1#post476476).

**Donations can be sent to me via:**


Sorry for silly questions, but where is the Download Link for 4.10?
The download links at VictoryPlugin16 is the 4.11 Iā€™m pretty sure since my UE recognize it as made for future version.

I have an existing project in 4.10.4 that uses the wonderful Victory plugin. I want to upgrade my project to 4.11 and make a standalone dedicated server for which I understand I still need a source built engine. I have compiled the GitHub version of Unreal 4.11 using VS 2015 and it works for new projects, but I canā€™t switch my existing project to 4.11 with the plugin enabled. I looked around for detailed instructions on adding the plugin source to the engine but couldnā€™t find anything that helps me. I get errors when I try to compile the project in VS. When I compile the engine after copying the most recent victoryplugin.zip contents into my /engine/plugins directory, it seems like it almost works but I still get 3 errors. I am probably doing something wrong but I need to know if it is even possible to do with VS 2015 or do I need VS 2013 for some reason? And what is the proper way to add or compile the plugin source to the engine for someone not very familiar with VS? I think I can continue the process of making a dedicated server once I can get a source built engine to work with the plugin. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi guys, Iā€™m using the sound volume stuff and it works great in editor but Iā€™ve come to package my game and it doesnā€™t change the volume. Has anyone seen before and know of a fix? Iā€™ve tested it in 4.9 and 4.10 if that helps